React 2100
Wednesday 14 hours.
Chairman Edward, by a small nod, nodded gently. Around the generals took notes and handed timely information to their subordinates.
- Play! He then intervened
almost with indifference. These gentlemen came to take the lead at the appointed time and their determination to face any hazard did stop this train. A cons - organized attack quickly, without detail, including potential victories is framed probably because for once in the history of mankind, the great armies of the old world were going to fight together and also be led by state - Major central and unique. Is certainly a historic but mostly left glimpse into this adventure, a general failure of institutions and democracy against an enemy based off the planet. A powerful attack that all nations agreed to give their full trust in the American authority. A unique day in world history. The
occurred within the first frequency command centers within one minute after the reports. Admirals earth satellites and space ships directly communicated the information to their subordinates and few minutes later the first missiles rushed violently into space from their tanks specially designed for their size.
The example of Montana vessel. This mass could hold its board until two miles long-range missiles and two hundred rockets fast. Two thousand soldiers lived together in this confined space between the powerful reactors, bunkers equipment, warehouses and endless corridors. A small town designed to accommodate men forced to live three months per session. A world apart, usually calm and serene, but that day - then a special event hosted the sector. The military seemed very anxious and nervous, constant stress and certainly inconsistent even if the red alert level had reached its twelfth consecutive hours. A record in terms of exercises.
Admiral Spekta tried not to show his anxiety. Once an operator told him the news he rushed to his decoder decrypts the message in seconds and returned to his seat, the command center, to allow the expulsion of most of its missiles. Powerful warheads, a phenomenal strike force.
From the first missile launched, the distinguished men of the first signs, first wakes on the horizon, missiles programmed to rush straight towards the moon. Successive waves, small black dots in space, thick with all speed and not detecting anything Emeritus, apart from the fact of these machines, frighteningly powerful and destructive.
Admiral Speckt, despite his thirty years of experience in the U.S. Navy, saw for the first time in his life, a show as huge and fabulous. All his training, all his simulations, he could now realize his reality. Almost a day of excitement for him, his D-Day was timely. The man in his home, kept her almost bursting with joy, he finally won a war, his first front, his chance of survival. Since that time waiting for this day, it fell almost to perfection.
hatches closed up nicely in front of their eyes, in case of war, the ship itself armored soldiers rejoin moles.
When the attack is programmed in its module, Oliver was sleeping lightly. He awoke suddenly and saw her dash to metamorphose. The instruments then paused, began to blink and monitors opened up new screens with new plans once tops secrets. A new map appeared and a new flight plan. A database, received directly from the military center of Arizona, a data management already programmed auto and virtually tested, emulators rely on for the occasion and for two hours, the final attack programmèrent according to U.S. forces and probable enemy forces. The calculation is completed a victory with average losses, a result for the state - Major General, considered satisfactory.
Oliver reinstalled correctly, drank a sip of water and observed the process to complete. The image of his wife then appeared like a light never turned off. He left at dawn and after - noon same position behind the earth seemed to view his superiors, a strategic location. In world history, such a move had never been attempted. Coverage noted previously, the operation that day was beat in terms of cost, all records. In second place everyone remembered the manned mission to Saturn, but far less famous and the Normandy landings, the first step in March and the first step on the moon. Memories of school.
Ten minutes later all the missiles and rockets had all started. The pilots could see, on a rough map showing the space between earth and moon, two distinct groups, two masses, two swarms. The first group represented the second missile and rockets. May - be ten thousand or more with foreign forces. An exercise styles hundreds of programmers on the ground, constantly changing the trajectories of their equipment in accordance with movements of the enemy. Circular curves, ambulatory, unexpected acceleration or reduced. Pilots continually shaken in their cockpits, unable to manage their equipment.
command center of American forces, the tension had palpable and visible. Even the president was involved in stress, standing in front of giant multi-screen controls, he tried to understand the process better. Groups of missiles with circular movements seemed random, because often the information from the detectors pirates placed on the moon, did not inform all movements and all changes of position. Sometimes a detector screens disappeared, destroyed by the enemy. A war
strategically very complicated, very stressful because the staff could know the outcome on the same day. Pain almost murdered. Two days of the war, no more. The rocket
Oliver, compared to what she could produce, accelerated slowly. A very important indication for the man because he realized that his division was fighting at the end of the game, in the third wave, which comforted him in his thinking. Just enough time to observe the sunrise over the north Atlantic and the rocket branched off into the night to - over Greenland. In particular ancestry at this point as the pressure grew nicely in the craft, a strange feeling and part of the public, feeling very uncomfortable and unbearable.
Twenty minutes later the army was above the mid-term. At this point, the two factions were engaged in correcting the data and positions, to move their checkers according to a likely possibility. Provisional result of volatile and incomprehensible. The greatest shows of all time but the game's most dangerous human beings lived and suffered.
The generals and the president remained on the lookout for any evidence, but relied on their work being no need, because the action took place without their aid. Processors reigned supreme, and at that moment no further decisions belong to human beings. The biggest battle was developing computer in the den of the system. The U.S. military feared a high casualties, a liaison officer had laid on the table earlier, a small MSDS yellow, the President had read it because almost by m'égard he was not directly intended. America could expect to ten thousand soldiers killed at best, and if one or more warhead reached the ground, we could increment the number of death on earth by about one million by one million.
alarming figures totally scary.
On the other hand, Sarrey and General Sari stood side by side face their destinies. Their screens were broadcasting exactly what - staff could be seen opposing. The same movements of troops, the same graph and the same views. May - be, only the statistics lied to favor with programmers. A futility certainly unnecessary, but this fake version of the facts used only to improve morale. While everyone knew this method, the use had not changed, the institution changed the numbers to satisfy the people. The marketing argument for the use of psychology that everyone did not care, because everyone knew the pretense and anyway, curves that nobody took into account because everyone knew those - there anyway biased .
But if at that same moment, the party did not necessarily win the land, the two men dreamed of winning this inappropriate, they dreamed this world belong to them, they hoped to achieve their goals, namely to reign in an oxygenated atmosphere naturally, a life they but they knew not get counted, and leaves to kill half the population on earth.
Two generals led their main battle. General and General Karies Berral came to give their agreement to launch their missiles in turn. They had, in principle, the battle away from the moon and its satellites. One trick indeed premeditated sensible course, but any ways, mandatory, and therefore not at all unexpected for the opponent.
The wave of missiles was around the moon. Thanks to gravity, they would pick up speed and the other side, go for straight for the enemy missiles, and take advantage of their slightly higher speeds, which would allow operators to adjust their targeted more easily than the enemy. Certainly a tactic that everyone knew and expeditious a battle that would soon make the bare armed and also, of course, reveal the eventual winner of the clash.
A little later, President received confirmation of the offensive against the enemy. Certainly it was almost with relief that he learned this, because even if the impact would be terrible, man preferred to see this option no surprise the enemy militarily. The game unfolded as he imagined. The film left nothing unresolved and only glimpse as the emotion had to act in the middle. And nothing else.
As the first missiles positioned themselves to intercept the opponent, the command center's main ally, the ship "Terria" intercepted the first stigmata of malaise. Sudden announcements and information narrating unexpected problems and behavioral functioning within the army. Deviance totally inappropriate and implausible. The morale of the troops fell to measure the advance and strangely, a very hurried pace.
A data entry operator informed Admiral Speckt a possible positional error and computation. The man, usually inflexible, moved rapidly toward the soldier and took an interest in frozen clues on the screen. In fact several rockets had disappeared in this area and several other rocket pilots informed them of their total dysfunction appliances and equipment. A problem indeed insolvent at that precise moment, but even if this index, the admiral claimed to doubt, he reacts quickly.
- For now we must rely on mission orders! It is too early! The space is flooded with noise.
It certainly tried to reassure her crew, but looking carefully overflow information is correct so wrong, he nevertheless noted that in his heart problem was acting within his troop. An elusive movement. A kind of evil spirit, polluting an area yet to be fully controlled by the human, as if the void began to speak, to reveal its secrets and power, of course.
In Space Tunder 14f, Amtreas, this young officer, left its equipment direct to the point of collapse of his battalion. Often tossed, he pitied breathing properly and not to unnecessarily increase the tension. Exercise frequently practiced during training classes during the piloting. A constant work, because despite this environment completely emptied of its particles, the meaning of human reacted more strongly than air. Certainly a hostile environment, but also terribly complicated, paradoxical and uncontrollable.
His rocket had successfully mastered the acceleration at the circumvention of the earth and initiated the tracing earth moon without problem.
a moment of respite before the battle, a living bomb launched at full speed in the eye of the storm. But while the aircraft to operate normally, a first warning appeared on the screen. A gentle female voice interpreter, she spoke of the cooling system of thrusters, a seemingly unmanageable pressure remotely. This failure required a maintenance operation, at first sight impossible by the pilot. The man then got up quickly and worried the proper functioning of its system. He decided to inform his superiors. This technical problem eliminated his chances to fight and revolt latent embittered the suddenly.
few seconds later, the state - took part in the battalion headquarters of the facts. The information broadcast, the officer decided to reset the system. It initializes the main processor and asked for a general control system. After a few seconds, very long, its operating system returned, but rather the failure of the cooling system, another problem appeared. The 24 volt power supply, normally used for small equipment, showed a defiance. At first the man seemed satisfied. The problem was not from the engine but the fuel system. He felt strangely relieved and immediately wanted to warn his superiors, but when he asked her a line decoder, the device does not answer.
Aware of a problem serious enough, however, the officer then decided to turn and return to earth. He decided to work in manual mode and use its controller.
The craft left his group, all radios off, and went afterwards to the blue planet. A trajectory clumsy and indecisive. Points trajectories are not respected. The unit responded
difficult for processors and orders seemed to observers, offset nicely. The rocket left, went into an area off limits. The pilot did not control gear and are obviously more in this hour of battle, no rockets were available relief. When the rocket went
completely limits of its trajectory, operators noticed a rocket lost and unrecoverable. She had just crossed all limits tolerated and soon drifted into space. The soldier inside, could survive two weeks. Afterwards, his fate no longer belonged.
The control center of the "Terria" in less than a quarter of an hour, counted a hundred rockets failed. An operator told the admiral Speckt losses of three to four percent and the dilemma, the senior could only see. Influences magnetic and radio interference from the other side seemed very powerful and do not correspond clearly to the assessment made on the opposing forces. In fact, a superpower magnetic influenced all control systems and control. A super powerful spectrum, detectable by any device measures and no cosmic radar.
operators normally transmitted their information to the general Sari. But for the first time in many years, a soldier came into the control room and approached Sarrey. The man was part of his bodyguards. A small unit is totally devoted to him. These men usually took care to spy on the rest of the company on behalf of their leader and some soldiers were involved in the supervision of the thing.
Either by luck or bad luck either, as if destiny prefigured prominently at this crucial moment, the arrival of the messenger kept attention the commander. He ventured to whisper about his ear, so as not to attract the attention of the general. This attitude quickly made misleading mine. The second man of the Empire realized the event without hesitation. This little soldier
also enjoyed a small voice. He held his breath before speaking.
- The object is moving. Several gauges were engaged.
in place, President Edward leaned more comfortably in his seat. For a moment, his mind and swerved man thought back to his wife, his childhood, his career and his life. He built his life according media and the public. A walk, a destiny, a path tracing. Throughout his campaigns, his wife and his companions followed him, encouraged him and protected him. For thirty years he strove to beat the campaign, participating in numerous rallies and meetings charity. A life dedicated to politics and its function in relation to society. The placement of the obelisk in the middle of a square crowded with cars and saturated with a carefree and eager crowd. His life! This life which man mastered not only half.
After an hour, the first missiles had reached their targets. Huge explosions were heard near the moon. Huge explosions, spread over only thirty thousand kilometers. This activity caused a sudden blocking out full system level measurements. Screens, for a moment, that indicated any gigantic white point. Intense activity occurred close to the moon and all observers realized at that time the importance and magnitude of the battle.
For a few seconds, all the inhabitants of the solar system froze at the extent of the disaster. A Moment of black blood or intense activity seemed unresolved. Silence mortal and finally, the blasts were transformed into a gentle shock quite impressive. The officer
Lampert watching the scene as if he stood in front of a magic show. His squadron was part of the first wave of rockets and in addition the man had bought the seats closest to the boards.
front of him, he saw that explosion, thereby causing huge flashes of light, followed impressive shockwave very characteristic.
He watched the show as a kid at the circus, but suddenly the voice of the autopilot sounds. A gentle female voice, completely paradoxical. Her nervousness
climbed when suddenly this beautiful woman he announced his complete takeover of the equipment. The plant had previously planned and there were now just two minutes before the deadline. The man then grabbed
his sleeve, checked the status of manual controls and focused on the monitor screen.
The next minute it seemed endless. Meanwhile, its radar showed him several points. Several squadrons of rocket attack from the front face of the earth. Their numbers varied depending on interference and waves. A hundred machines, can - be double, just in front of his squadron. Their speed seemed much higher and the enemy obviously knew the position of his squadron for each transfer trajectory, the points corrected itself to meet each time in the face of their position. These indices presaged an undeniable confrontation and after the very personal opinion of the officer, his squadron would suffer heavy losses.
A shockwave came to melt into the cabin. She banged as if several hammers retype the body. This noise, if crude, plunged into the temples of the pilot and caused him a slight pain. Some Seconds later, a second wave shook the craft. She intervened with a frequency more acute but less dull. Immediately after, the voice of Major intervened. The squadron leader flew the first rocket, so the more advanced. His appeal, in this hell of paradoxes, sounds like a solemn farewell.
- Good luck!
few seconds later, the officer saw for the first time in visual mode, a dozen black spots, facing the moon, darkening toward him. He decided to react very quickly, its processor already showed him the positions of the most dangerous target and kill very quickly. The program referred to the screen, sometimes changing targets, very quickly, and he also proposed several choices of shots and attacks. Activity in semi automatic, a quick war and semi automated.
Lampert knew perfectly his system, but earlier he had never mastered such a situation, either in real mode or in simulation mode. He stared at the screen for a few seconds, looked at the moon, he watched the rays of the sun reflected on the circumference of the globe, and finally decided the procedure. A few more seconds, the pilot pressed on the touch screen got busy and the desired option directly. In fact, he opted for the safer choice. Ten small short-range missiles, positioned below the cabin of the vehicle, s'activèrent suddenly. Time for a short program and rockets décolèrent one after the other. A thud and smoke extremely sparse, and few seconds later, the man looked his rockets rush straight towards the enemy.
After a few seconds, the program informed of the success of the operation. The man then decided, the option to fold quickly. He pressed the confirmation button and the vehicle veered quickly. Before, as the rocket took advantage acceleration of the earth, the engines were running at idle, but once the order given, powerful acceleration came knocking the driver. This centrifugal force presses the man against his seat and even though this year should be common to all soldiers of space, it was nevertheless painful for the organization. Pressure pulled muscles in the hips, chest and shot. Pain involved and difficult to control.
For a moment, Lampert forgot to watch on screen. Pressure acceleration absorbed it for a few minutes, and when he came to himself, he felt relieved to note that no missile chasing does. The epicenter of the battle he toiled away and leave this hell.
Opposite, the eclipse of earth offered a great show and certainly very unexpected. The man admired this phenomenon for a few seconds, certainly very wowed by the beauty of nature. After he recovered and controlled its measurement devices and indications. The processor had to schedule its next attack, with its various options. Man chooses an option almost mechanically. Then he prepared to feel the effects of traction famous, but as the craft veered path, a jerk violent sounds in the cabin. Shock strange, almost imperceptible and inaudible.
But the officer did not panic, it checks whether an alarm was triggered, asked the processor to initialize the system and checked on the radar screen if a rocket did not follow. After a few seconds, he confirmed the equipment system stability. The man was beginning to suffer from the pressure.
few seconds later the rocket disappeared into space. She did not reappear again.
For thirty minutes the battle was rageante and observers do not let it slip that some clues or confirmed and nor conclusive. During this short period of time, ranging from one hundred thousand kilometers, more than ten thousand missiles exploded and no fewer than a thousand of them in charge of small nuclear warheads.
The inhabitants of the earth could be witnesses because of lightning appeared across the sky. Yellow dots appeared and disappeared like fireflies. When
missiles rockets exploded, the blast intensified. Facing the moon, an observer could notice a huge amber and red. This magma light flashed and floated into space. This fantastic flame resembled molten lava and caused this huge light shine as a massive shock wave. A wave of a tsunami as destructive.
During this short historical moment, all personnel staffs froze before the monitors. A heavy silence, looks stunned and mining misleading. Nobody had ever seen such a spectacle. This huge explosion between the moon and the earth provoked fears and fascinations, a mix between horror and tangible self-mockery. Even General
Kost remained glued to his seat. This battle is so feared had really taken shape and become this powerful attack calculated suddenly real, frighteningly beautiful and impressive.
In the other camp, General Sari was not commenting. He preferred to stay in his world and waited without flinching. The first estimates were to fall soon and he does little concern. His lack of humanity is revealed in this moment so eloquent. In this decorum of terror and violence, his true personality lit up and calmed his mind. It suddenly became happy to be enjoying himself, but his Machiavellian very thorough allowed him no difference.
Oliver looked on in video mode. Before, rockets of his battalion had taken advantage of the acceleration of the earth to reach an extremely rapid rate. During deceleration and approach, he had the opportunity to write a word, he sent this post hoping to read it again one day with his wife. After so many years in civilian life, he no longer considered military was struggling to recapture the spirit of the uniform. Another man was flying the craft, a father away from home and away from his workplace. This world stood light years from his world and this magma seemed meaningless. As his major
told him their change of direction, the first line of rockets penetrated the heart of the matter. Oliver n'eu one thing to do, he confirmed the new data downloaded instantly by pressing his finger on the touch screen and the rocket suddenly changed direction.
Oliver knew this tactic and was not surprised at all. The group seemed to avoid the hot region and headed toward the allowed limit of axis regions of the sun. The lieutenant resumed rocket speed and shock formed by the acceleration does not importuned.
After ten minutes, the rocket reached the limit and the controller stated that on a monitor. As he was leaving the night light of sunrise was knocked on and the only window for a moment he saw only white. A quick shine a glowing light. But as the rocket was heading in the opposite direction, the night came quickly and Oliver found his marks with his regiment. The group came away from the center point of the attack and many officers were relieved not to be assumed by this battle. A feeling shared by all.
Rockets went along this line nerve and imagination between night and day for twenty minutes. The group skirted the obstacle, sneaked in the middle of this mixed and mostly hoped to disappear from all monitors. The bombs exploded one after the other and caused enormous damage. But even if the chaos caused by man struck heavily, this thing does not disappear. Among the flames she found her place and infiltrate the airwaves. More powerful warheads exploding and its strength increased. The essence of humans and increasing its power advantage also, to cause maximum damage to the troops. It was also this interesting exercise.
Daniel Gindraux, 2006, Réact2100, 34 hours.
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