Wednesday 17 hours. At September 10
specific time, Jackie received a stab in the back. She felt the blade sink just - below his ribs and out from the front to the navel, a sharp tool and intended to hurt a maximum.
The woman writhed in pain, but she quickly noticed that nothing had touched him. Then she tried to calm down and control the situation. She walked toward the office, watched and controlled if the object does not follow. She noticed the fact that nothing was happening. Every thing seemed inert and all elements electronics not working. The processor cooling fans seemed off and not operational. Inexplicable silence appeared before her and no principle presaged this inertia. The earth seemed to turn more and the life seemed extinguished. All his
inexplicably created a climate of fear and insecurity. She suddenly felt alone, lost in the silence and nothingness. Since it does not matter near the elevator and stairs, she again approached the window. She felt drawn to this space.
When she returned to the window, the lights seemed extinct and no car was traveling. The wind was not blowing, it even seemed inert and heat had reduced conspicuously. The woman lowered her eyes towards the street and she realized that down, everyone had disappeared, vanished like, swept in a gale.
She lifted her head and suddenly she saw a shape approaching her. A block gelatinous, thick but transparent. This translucent form was spread from one building to another, and progressed nicely gobait every living being and every being organic. Image appeared behind the horizon transformed and shifted. A different view, as if the corners were missing and outlook had changed. A good idea of the fourth dimension. A supernatural monster whose misshapen appearance misleading mingled with the images and reflections of the sun.
The woman looked at the thing approached and raised his face to watch the space as if she sought comfort from her husband so far already. But blue skies and scattered clouds indifferent completely inert. She stood there, his head in the air, a few seconds, but quickly returned on the phenomenon. She watched the street spirit to be swallowed and looked in front of her. The mass crossed the space and came to her gently. She must have noticed because of the stigma advocated his goal imminent.
The last observation before the duel lasted a few seconds and suddenly the woman did not hesitate and ran strongly in the vacuum. An act quickly executed. The SLR Jackie surprised the thing because the envelope thickens rapidly around it. Women accelerated very quickly and in contact with the ground, halfway around, his body gets heavier and slows conspicuously. Jackie had
prenotion or can be a gift. This sixth sense invited him to take a decision quickly and attack this element in front. It certainly does not feel saved, but in this new atmosphere, she felt suddenly enveloped in a property mushy and muffled. Her body began to fly and its weight was equal to that of a leaf. It bounced lightly and could scan the horizon without dogma and without weakness. On his back grew wings and during a moment she felt becoming an angel. This legacy and dream come true. The mystery finally revealed.
In this substance, his conscience was divided with his flesh and she went down over the plasma thickened. This matter density slowed its descent and when she came down, his feet rested on the ground as if nothing obvious happened. Jackie had just been rescued or transported television. He lands remained unhindered. The wife likes his new nature.
Wednesday 17 hours 15. The beautiful little
Gaëlle remained nestled in the arms of her man. For fifteen minutes, she had completely changed attitude. His inspiration came from falling into the oblivion of power and the circumstances made it more comprehensive and submissive woman. His soul had to bifurcate and fear and anxiety as the invaded. She also could not stand more to be alone in that squalid apartment and cloisonné, this floating brothel and unbearable. The universe would disappear and she would like her to become accustomed, more remain planted in front of her mirror as if it were part of the furniture and had to wait the owner out of his silence and brighten the mood.
In this overheated atmosphere and steeped in a malodorous smell, the phone rang. An internal call from the main room. Sarrey watched the thing as if the largest diamond in the world belonged to him. Frequencies were from the choppy waves inaudible element and pierced reinforced concrete walls. The thing had given signs of life and certainly signs of superiority and power. The pack leader
waited a few minutes and replied softly. General waiting on the other side. Events impregnation. His mood changed and his nervousness was accentuated more and more.
Americans have launched their second offensive. Several squadrons were able to work around the moon. They are heavily armed!
what we expected.
But you do not want to move the ship? You saw what happened to the other side of the moon earlier. Firepower will be identical and we are in the middle of the field. But
Sarrey did not bend.
I know!
When the rocket accelerated due to the attraction of the moon, Oliver was relieved because he knew his vulnerability flexing for a moment. His squadron had to be spotted by enemy radar, but at this moment, this problem remained small because the speed or the rockets were launched, some losses should be reported.
His colonel before his men followed him without wanting to stop. They entered the night and the light was waning nicely. In the distance, lightning flashed and many traces of rockets remained frozen for an eternity ephemeral. Rang out across the debris and remnants of shock waves angrily banged on the fuselage.
When the team changed direction, the acceleration decreased and Oliver lives far away, the army finally Mars. Giant in this space, the vessels seemed tiny and completely disparate. A huge army like that of March was like that moment in an ordinary swarm of bees with his queen in the middle. Red dots and yellow lights in the distance.
In the Hall of State - General Staff, General Sari observed enemy movements and found advanced. He then approached the microphone and announced unequivocally against the authorization of the Martian attack. Several rockets and missiles had been placed in geo-stationary mode near the poles of the moon. These small swarms remained scattered off and tried not to make anything and had to react first when the enemy was trying to pass through the poles. Floating mines very daunting because the rockets launched at full speed where the attraction was the highest, frequently lose their data and communication. Some
minutes later, the rocket Oliver approached less than thirty thousand meters of the moon. Something completely off topic for the man because he preferred to stay focused and try to resist the best acceleration. The blue spots of the moon and the sun's glare prevented a correct vision and force of instability, control instruments lost their data. This intense pressure
lasted for several minutes and suddenly the sky cleared and each driver found his bearings. The second battle of the day began when fighters and inconvenience thousands of points enroll in an instant on their monitors.
A rain of missiles crossed the area near the rocket Oliver and hundreds of explosions and percussions sounded around him in a very condensed and so close to the moon, that many missiles, sinking or deflected by jammers, came crashing on the flanks of the planet. Impressive explosions rang out over the surface of the moon and in space near the north pole of this planet. Strong resonances sounded to the ears of pilots and several shock waves smashed against the fuselage. The U.S. military sent
previously, several thousands of missiles to counter missile Martian stagnant. They skirted the planets and unfortunately arrived almost simultaneously with the rockets. Under very critical because in the confusion, many rockets were directly hit by enemy missiles. The flight of Colonel
Geletier trying to forge ahead and enter through the cloud of missiles helplessly and manage anything. A dozen rockets or implosèrent disappeared from the first minutes of combat, but as their paths changed and varied in strength, losses and the company declined to compact more and more to make their targets less raw. The state
- Major U.S. decided to concentrate his forces at two points, the most sensitive. In fact the army had to divide into two groups and both tried to pass through the two poles. The tactic certainly was not exceptional and quite predictable, and the only real surprise military concerned that of the comet. A minimalist surprise because only a small squadron could possibly slip through the net while evading enemy radar. Risk the perilous flight to the Colonel, but by their ideals, very respectable.
Two thousand missiles exploded in just a few minutes near both poles and within very small. If this pressure devastated everything in its path and operators in the control room had to wait a few minutes to realize the situation clearly. A mild stress
scored the next General sari. He knew the enemy stronger and his minutes in the dark so it feels difficultueusement conceivable and acceptable.
In the other room, watching the same image Sarrey. In front, the thing seemed to disseminate seamless. Procreating it to his master, a feeling of absolute impunity against the obstacle and adversity.
Oliver, with the pressure caused by the acceleration of the moon, added that of the shock wave, felt very bad. But he tried not to faint, he struggled up, with hands, legs and face. Very scary few minutes defiled. The pilot closed his eyes even to forget and controlling such suffering. A terrible fear of infection, it felt thrown from it and its members vibrated in all directions and his mind trying to wander. The acceleration seemed infinitely long and seemed to last forever. The minute was endless, she dragged a point precise point the more terrifying.
Deep in the dark night, Oliver felt himself suddenly able to recover. He opened his eyes and appeared before him these monsters on Mars.
Twenty two rockets were able to enter through the security zone. The fuselage of the rocket to Colonel Geletier not resist the shock wave and the squadron found itself without a captain. A group of rockets then formed a little band scattered and without specific advice.
A little man, the operator input number eight, given the intercepted first. He informed his superior without delay and less than a minute later, the General Sari came to console her. The three men counted all the disparate number of rockets. Twenty rockets, almost inaccessible, approached their entrenchment at a speed too fast for them to act quickly and skillfully.
The three men knew perfectly maneuver. If a missile had reached their ship, the explosion could destroy them in no time. Suddenly, all members of the soldiers - staff felt in danger. Suddenly the whole fleet, so the whole army Martian felt in danger.
suddenly lit up the screen and all the vessels appeared in front of him. They were located very close and he could see them in visual mode. Of stable blocks in the form of meteorites, completely empty, inert, seemingly helpless. Oliver recorded a score. The radio frequency returned and several drivers were distributed roles. Time for a reflex, a stammering and he intervened.
I take two! Oliver
the twelve!
A muffled voice repeated his name and without waiting for the driver set off the autopilot, he informed his processor priority and quickly changed his rocket trajectory. During the maneuver, the man turned the key security spears and missiles launched at the same time, the countdown.
In the distance, several missiles décolèrent vessel. Oliver saw, to his right, more glitters, like lights, shooting stars.
The surface of the moon also appeared to move rapidly. But its speed fell the feeling of weightlessness did not return. The mass is fast approaching and Oliver in his small cockpit so ridiculous compared to the vastness of the universe, suddenly became a responsible person and the person of a sudden became very important. The officer mutated and turned into a savior of mankind. His destiny was calling him to ring the bells of glory and recognition Supreme.
Sarrey and his wife left the room and quickly returned to the apartment.
The man wanted to see all took the stage and asked his wife to follow him in his den. Upon arrival at the show, they sat on the big chair and central governor grabbed the remote. He opened the window as he turned on the television and asked his wife to watch the show.
His mind saw himself master of the universe. His reign fell upon the earth.
Look over there. Off. A rocket is approaching.
He pointed the finger at a black dot. The object approached quickly and visibly headed against them. This fuse should not normally reach.
Oliver stared at his target. The ship was rapidly approaching and its system of self defense does not seem to still function. A ship almost completely extinguished. Apart from a few flashes red, he seemed asleep, he did not emit any frequency and seemed to pass for a meteorite inactive. The object floating in space and looked dead and completely extinguished.
few seconds later, the processor notifies the pilot that the firing could be achieved. The man put his thumb on the red button. He looked one more time towards the ship and seemed at that moment, see a small opening, like a small window behind with a comfortable apartment with sofas, cabinets and wall charts. A short time completely surreal. Random vision, and curiously magical especially unthinkable. This second
seemed forever. The moon was approaching the ship nicely and grew rapidly. A parallel world.
Just before starting his act, Oliver thought quickly to his wife. He saw her look deep in his dreams, just a moment, really short.
few seconds later, he pressed the red button and four missiles décolèrent immediately. Smoke invades sparse vision and when the rocket deviated from its path, he saw the missiles darken on the ship.
The woman noticed the arrival of the missiles because she fell in love with fear. At his side, Sarrey do not react because he felt at that moment, invincible.
Ten seconds later, a huge nuclear explosion swept everything in its path. The mother ship exploded into a thousand pieces, leaving no chance at life.
In fact, a dozen nuclear explosions resounded in the area of the moon, which caused a massive shock wave. This wave swept all modules in its path and also smashed on the side of the moon. A red light flashed for ten minutes around the area. A red glow, radioactive, invisible from the earth, but paradoxically beautiful. This bright red and sparkled grew like a rose opening in broad daylight. A wonderful show and impossible. An amazing contrast and terribly original.
The wave then circled the moon as if its smooth surface like a stone on the seabed. His movement, his touch, was slowing down and losing his speed and strength. An original print and completely mad. A new generation of tsunamis, completely outside the norm.
Moments later, this energy was close to the ground. Form a strange and supernatural, unthinkable. A new element that only a handful of people on earth could observe.
Jackie was recovering nicely from his impact with the ground. She looked around her to check if people were still alive, but his mind was soon overtaken by its presence. The woman raised her head definitely up and noticed, like the few people still alive to observe this red magma approaching the stratosphere. A huge round and opaque with a misleading appearance. Behind his face, a monster was hiding, with bulging eyes Wholesale and frowning, looking fierce and nasty.
The woman watched this magma a few minutes and came back a little to the right. She tried to see a person, but the streets seemed deserted. In order not to lose hope, she started walking and walked along several streets. The streets and squares still remained completely empty. Absolute silence. Shops and restaurants completely devastated. A city devastated, completely emptied of its population.
After another street, she came close to primary school. His school, with its courtyard completely deserted. The woman tried to see at least a child, but nobody, no soul. A huge void deafened by their presence and an atmosphere devoid of wind and smell. An absolute vacuum, incomparable.
Behind the gates of the court, she tried to see the look of the girl, Lisa, but no soul alive, or even a cat or dog. Let alone a human.
After she returned to her neighborhood, found his home with his garden. The decor remained frozen, the leaves were not flying and could not hear a single sound. Perfect silence, a state of grace, a surreal interlude.
In the hall of the General Staff of State - U.S., no jostled. The seats were empty but the equipment continued to function. The screens showed images and still shots of battle and information continued to pour in, but apparently nobody took delivery of landfills. Information continuously become useless.
The main table like a table at the Christmas Eve morning. The president and the generals seemed to have disappeared in the storm. Their seats looked even spin around their axes, the heat and their body odor still present. They were dispersed gently and tried to disappear in the depths of the sub - soil base. In the lounge
to Gaëlle, a little soft music calmed the atmosphere. Plates and cutlery already installed on the dining table, the property owner could then receive his guests to settle for dinner.
As for the room, the thing still did not move, no signs and no movement portended to any influence. The apparatus controls showed no presence. No frequency and no wave were to be deplored.
The ship looked like when a real orbit. A lunar satellite completely dead and lifeless, floating in this immensity as a ball unsightly.
The system planets continued to rotate around the sun as if nothing had happened. A normal day, very quiet.
Daniel Gindraux, 2006, Réact2100, 34 hours.
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