Wednesday 15 hours 30.
General Sari is allowed to invite all the heads and supervisors in the control room with him. The statement - General Staff had two generals, namely the General Karies Berral and two hotheads without moods and corrupt to ignobility.
man had set up a briefing and information especially if the enemy casualties could eventually force them to turn back. But his subordinates was a dire need information. The battle had taken place on the other side of the planet and few images videos had crossed the cloud explosions. For engineers on site, the problem boiled down to interference related to the explosions and the shock waves caused by explosions. In summary, the battle caused a small black hole and absorbed by the same token, all frequencies and all the sound waves. An idea While superlative reasoning very early, but this nevertheless pleased to Sari, who saw this fortune, a possible victory of his army.
Behind Sarrey remained quiet as his wont, he did not intervene. He received a call from cons. The message had been sent by an operator control room. The man invited him to see for himself - even. This windfall was timely and called for information, Sarrey wondered if his day had just sounded. A little voice in his ear whistle. Soft music. The breath of a woman.
- I leave you! I'm back.
Generals not just perceived it. Their discussions too absorbed to bother finally, the mastermind behind the carnage.
Sarrey quickly left the place and walked hurriedly along the wide corridors of the main vessel. It branched off and came close to the door of the room. A simple check of the retina and the door opened.
In the room, two engineers and five operators were watching the thing. In fact, the entire group! After a brief hello
, an engineer asked him to read the monitors. A mischievous little man, hair lacquer, pulled back, an earring in the nose, memories of a bygone era.
- We measured the vibration. Normally in a spaceship, all bodies must move and move in the same way, only their frequencies and their vibration changes. In terms of this mass, it vibrates normally, as an inert mass usually the same size. But what we warned, were the waves that we have collected about her its last twenty minutes. In fact, the waves produced in the vicinity appear to be totally different from those trapped in the vessel. They are different, its spectrum is neither sound nor a picture. A new wave of which that mass would be the Issuer.
The engineer, his eyes wide open as a movie actor, a single name, pointed to the mass of the finger.
Sarrey without his realizing it, followed his finger and noticed this mass. He knew every angle and all its forms. An inanimate object absolutely fascinating. Full control of the material and especially a formidable weapon.
Wednesday 15 hours 30.
Jack found himself alone in this vast office. While the rats leaving the ship, she froze in front of the television, petrified at the sight of a general disorder and improbable.
chains were interrupted to issue one after the other. Their continuous information, interspersed with advertising, gave way to chaos and disorder unlikely. Either it was the strings that technicians could not keep their normal programming was either the issuer or missing or no longer working, actually one in the other nothing worked and everything presaged a very close to black.
Jacky's eyes remained fixed for some time. But the wife got tired and decided to go gently suddenly see more clearly. She walked to the window and watched the scene.
bottom, huge surélevèrent fires everywhere, the sirens of fire fighters demonstrated their innocence and queues of cars are lined up more as usual. Disorganization mad took root everywhere and anywhere. Flame detonation of warehouses and swing trading. A population petrified. People panicked trying to find a solution to this problem. From above, the woman could see human forms which only the heads prevailed. A giant anthill in a state of maximum alert.
course, this sudden and unexpected war that had caused total disruption. But despite this feeling that everyone had everything, this final prediction, this certain or likely, the problem with this thing infects reigned. For despite all measures, all recommendations and all information, no scientist informed the public of the danger and consequences of the tragedy. A new element appeared in the air, the sky and land, and nobody dared confirm this surprising discovery. The media and the administration, all right-thinking people persisted in seeing nothing that a general malaise. Hypocrisy this time, flagrant, reigned supreme in government of all nations. A total radio silence, a block out incomprehensible and unimaginable to the populace totally helpless and entirely subject to the authority. Jackie
fingered the glass slightly and felt a slight jolt. At that moment, she understood where the mystery came from and what does this thing had come to look. She knew the powerful waves and impenetrable. The earth heaved and waves and frequencies to build, they were divided the same way as cells. They are self generated, self feeding and self propelled into space. A single model uncontrollable and mostly unavoidable.
Wednesday 15 hours 45.
Control Centre, Chairman Edward remained silent. This gigantic battle surpassed. His years of experience in politics he had proved that a simple negotiation can resolve any problems. But here, at this point, reality had to take precedence over ideology, politics, the debate and manipulation. The war was over sudden comprehension. All these explosions of a bad kind announced the end of an era and a new era was born from the ashes of the old. A sense of déjà vu and this time was gathering necessarily repeated in human history. After the Treaty of Versailles and the capture of Berlin, that decision in March, completely surreal. After the war trenches and wear, the blitzkrieg, that express the war, as pointed out by a journalist.
This war and this battle so quickly performed and interpreted, led to the president during a very short lapse of time, however, to ask the question whether his condition was well and effectively in the right side of the fence and things.
before him, General Kost asked his guests to sit a short time around the table. All the generals in the database and several officers advisers settled. Some men wore the mask of bad days, but most serene resigned to take the role of their lives.
- We just received the first results. I'll comment on myself. He watched intently
the main screen. News from the front could only be bad. All of the troops of the first assault wave had just been delisted from teleprompters. The rockets included in the second wave were still fighting. About this wave, experts estimated the actual loss to fifty percent. An amount too high to continue the fight.
- The third wave should not normally be used. Compared to the results, we have to go to plan B. I think you all know what Plan B entails.
In fact, it is directly addressed to the President. He stared at the corner of his eye and spent the following problems. Edward understood instantly grasped the red cell. He strums the code while other players were watching, and he waited. The secure online
seemed surprisingly clear and without interference. It should not be blurred. When
Sarrey returned to the Command Room, General Sari, almost without interest, showed him the red phone ringing in this area despite the conditions and sober, calm and serene.
- War of the Worlds!
Sari smiled. Its irony face of disaster and disorder revived his spirit. He felt personally fall between Machiavellianism and anarchism. The universe could not stop moving.
Sarrey does not concern himself with his sarcasm and engages the speaker. A voice sounded calm and serene. Despite filtering, crackling persisted behind your little misunderstood.
- You know there is a problem somewhere!
The team members all wanted to sing not in heart. Listening to his interlocutor Sarrey peacefully. The chairman Edward has long resonated throughout the galaxy, but that day, go listen to one person, made his remarks extremely pathetic and delectable. The voice of the master wanted to negotiate, to speak with ease, an honor for the unreal and vested in Sarrey inadmissible.
- You could reach me before your cons-offensive!
- You had no reason to attack us!
Sarrey searching for words. The president just wanted to know more about the phenomenon, conditions or negotiations seemed intolerable.
- If something frightens you, capitulate!
- We have no interest in it!
- So afraid! Discussion
s'interrompu, Sarrey hung up his mind saw this thing conducive to victory. The earth trembled, now she could disappear into nothingness.
Wednesday 16 hours.
Deep in a distant night, the squadron finally arrived safely. The rocket Oliver deftly branched off behind the comet and its speed is stabilized compared to the diligence of this mass. This broad stone whirled on itself and put forward as a slow caravan in this dark space. Near the surface, a shuttle relay Pixters waiting for the rockets. Admiral Vectors this good prince, after the announcement of the attack, had the reflex to bring forward the exploration of the comet in order to protect his engine missiles and also out of all radar detections. One trick he certainly worth a medal and a mutation.
While the shuttle could not reload as many rockets, but more importantly for the squadron, was being able to stow all rockets around the shuttle and wait without being noticed. The comet had revolved around the earth at night and increased by the same token, its speed. Now she tended to move away from the moon, repulsed, she took the direction of infinity and had to leave the solar system. The shuttle mission was to relay the base, next to stabilize in geo stationary fashion around the comet and take advantage of his weak attraction to try to travel in his wake and save fuel. A scientific expedition and exploration.
According to the U.S. Command, the enemy had left that option, but nobody could confirm this choice with certainty. Wednesday
16 hours 15. When
Gaëlle entered the command room, the atmosphere serene and usual faded a little awe and a slight accentuated. Traders were playing not to have insight, but all feel in their roughness and their falsity, this new period of upheaval.
General Sari turned to her, pretended a sudden surprise, but the young woman threw no eye on him and walked toward Sarrey. The man had heard it happen and would prefer to face in the direction of the large skylight. The reflection of the fire bases on the moon, created an extraordinary show.
- What what they asked!
Sarrey played the game of cheat. He continued to watch the space.
- The mission is underway!
- A mission!
Nobody was watching, but all assistance was trying to follow.
- You call this a mission? You have not noticed, she is telling us eat! She'll kill us! You know. It pervades everything, it penetrates everywhere and she is watching us. It is already there! Already in us!
Sarrey watched maliciously. In his position, he thought the intervention of a woman, normal and usual. Married life did not spare the life of a Head state. A legend legacy of the twentieth century.
He wanted to take her in his arms to protect her, but knew the smile, mocking hypocritical General sari. He smiled kindly. He had expressed his great calm and perfect serenity.
- You can be reassured, we control the phenomenon. We are at war, a lot of interference and interference stun us.
Wednesday 16 hours 30.
Jackie could not move from his place. She always looked ahead. In front, the show darker, the sky seemed to darken before the hour. The lines of cars were being turned ragged flame, as if all the tanks in the city exploded one after the other. Violent explosions and incomprehensible. A huge amount of homes caught fire for no reason. Flames lit up the distance like a monster of fire. The flames of hell. Basically, an acrid smoke Bronda seemed to suck the atmosphere and absorb light.
The woman lowered her eyes and saw down in the street, a woman running. She was trying to flee an incomprehensible state. She tried to shake his arms to expel this thing behind it. His race never seemed to arrive, the woman did not know where to go, she sought, among a small crowd disarmed the solution of his sudden illness, the way forward or serum. But obviously nobody could do nothing because everyone smelled that smell and foresaw this constancy. The being was growing in them and nobody could understand this misfortune.
Jackie also felt something in her. Something was growing in her body and she could not fight it. Pressure in the lower abdomen, invisible and unfathomable, made her suffer. A kind of pendulum movement oppressed, sometimes close to his stomach and sometimes close to his intestines, but never in one place. A smooth or ridged, but never the same pressure.
Suddenly the woman withdrew her hand from the glass and quickly retreated. She retraced her steps and leaned against the back wall, fifteen feet from the glass. She waited a few seconds and suddenly a powerful blast was knocked against the windows. Violating a shock! A powerful force! The glass broke into pieces then, broke the crystal and thousands of debris propelled everywhere. Percussion quickly and efficiently. A breath accurate, exploding the bulletproof glass in no time.
The girl started to fear but did not budge. She stood petrified but were in no way be influenced by external events. His mind had resisted and no events could not influence his will. An uneven battle recess.
In the distance, people seemed to disappear in a sea of incomprehension. They disappeared without a trace.
Wednesday 16 hours 45.
Chairman Edward watched the screens with dismay. We had just said that in the face of the moon, the place where the battle had just ended, that much more equipment would operate. Carnage. The disaster is expected huge at that point. All units had disappeared into the maze. There was nothing left but dust, debris and radioactivity plank.
Farther to the blue planet, the shock wave, so violent, scrapped a huge amount of rockets whose use was intended to defend the land against enemy missiles. The geo-stationary mode vessels unresponsive and not sounding either.
lunar and space cameras were filming away, behind the moon on a dark night, a form inexplicable and incomprehensible as it happened to conceal, in a roundabout way, the reflection of the stars. Opaque envelopes, almost gelatinous. A gaping black hole, absorbing each element one by one, carefully and beautifully.
This phenomenon was not explained. Events rushed and no scientist could expand it. This thing was close and seemed to circle the earth from side to side. She went on at great speed and absorbed all solids, liquids and gases.
Opposite television screens seemed extinct. TV channels broadcasting over and not created as a result, a great void among the employees of the base. The soldiers felt poor and far from civilization.
General Kost looked emphatically. His face showed his stress. Despite the urgency, it trying not to shine, but its abundant perspiration on the betrayed.
- Yes sir! You have free rein.
After these words the general had no objection, the operators understood exactly what to do and did not wait to try to retransmit the information.
The U.S. military should go to plan B of the mission. The most powerful nuclear warheads could be activated and started against the enemy. The firepower would be so huge that some scientists, after reading the summary of computer simulations for this specific scenario, accepted the possibility that with such a discharge, the moon could explode into several pieces and thereby cause a rapid acceleration of the rotation of the earth and cause undoubtedly the end of life on it - it.
This idea came to the ears of the military. She remained some time as a possibility that the enemy could be expected. Eliminate all life on earth would cause a condition for victory without the Martians.
Wednesday 17 hours.
Operator Pixters shuttle transmission, is struggling to interpret and decipher the last message from the earth. Decoding does not seem regular and content of information was struggling to arrive in the memory of its processor. When the transmission ended, he quickly decoded and called a friend to convey the paper to the commander. A message on only three lines. Two procedures to be followed and a security code.
Admiral Vectors quickly deciphered the message and understood the contents quickly. In fact, orders were limited to little. Code red or black had been set and that meant only one point, namely that the U.S. military would launch all its forces into battle. Its powerful nuclear warheads could all be activated and sent without further against the adversary. The enemy stood behind the moon and on Mars. The two areas were to be razed as soon as possible. The instructions were clear, straightforward, all the firepower needed to be sent on two areas at once. A maximum of warheads would reach their goals to assure the American and the entire planet, a major victory for the future of humanity.
The victory for humanity!
Commander Vectors aback. After thirty years in the U.S. Army, he had never heard one of his superiors to use these terms. This vocabulary existed not. The U.S. military, expanding into the solar system, no longer fighting for a long time and the fact of a probable war remained in the minds of officers and strategists. The abstract had long since passed the concrete and no one knew the facts and misdeeds of a fast and extremely devastating conflict.
The operators of the shuttle, not shortwave handed unequivocal new orders from the state - the General Staff. Oliver, always tied into his seat, listened carefully this information. His rocket was carrying two nuclear missiles at short scope and was the first time that her superiors asked him to arm warheads. Upon
order received, it is activated immediately. He knew the procedure almost by heart, but decided to follow the instructions on the screen. At that moment he felt a little face this important computerization because it had to open a box, take a key, insert it into the lock switch and introduce a code.
Hence, on the screen, a small red screen is displayed continuously. She clearly informed the hazards of the load. Information almost certainly unnecessary, because at this point, the pilot found himself alone against the risks. The power of the missiles could easily pulverize the whole comet and the chances that an accident occurs remain tiny but still likely.
few minutes later, the admiral wished good luck to the squadron. Colonel Geletier replied. He continued by wishing good luck to turn to his squadron and told everyone that this attack was not mandatory, and anyone could withdraw. But n'eu course no response. His men volunteered and this issue at this moment of the game, did not return under any circumstances into account. Its men stayed put and the mere idea of withdrawing was obviously not likely be acceptable.
Immediately after the broadcast, the rushed event. One by one the rockets décolèrent and spun into space along a short while, the trail of light left by the comet, and disappeared into the distance. Several rockets
décolèrent before him and his turn finally came. A strong earthquake suddenly heard the rocket and started very quickly. During acceleration, Oliver remained glued to his seat without doing anything, but nevertheless kept his eyes open and could see the bright light caused by the comet. A rare and beautiful sight.
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