He was deaf . The roar of the colors of the sunset there, the extent of the marsh plated straight downwind, he knew nothing. His silent rage punctuated by the beating heart of the blinding. Standing on the bridge over the Little Belt, the boundary between the channel-by vineyards and extent of free open marshland on the Gironde, huge hallway toward yonder, far away.
Not a step closer, nailed to the bridge, tied with anger, he can not go further, as held at the border, hope became a prohibited area.
Every winter frost comes freeze its swamp in a grid and ice each winter, with its hooves child and later teenager, the wheelbarrow full of stones, it releases water that goes to the Gironde. The thud of heavy stone and ice streak broken by lightning away. He loved this orgy of sounds and colors, this release of its marshes and she allowed him to postpone until next spring's obsession with child. It does not confine my swamp. We let the water run. The water that I will leave.
wealthy or poor children in Gironde, in the new century, are all slaves. The slaves of the vine. Adults, however, was not it that time of hesitation, a stop for breath, all had at least once, the right to ask.
And if I left?
Not them. The wallop and vime * the nail on the legs to their condition.
Fortunately for them, (or unfortunately), the devil came, the priest himself, would rather put their noses in the mud. Dressed all in black too, but in civilian clothes, the teacher has distilled its poison during two years of the average. The lesson of history confined to the blue line of the Vosges offered them as emotions and brigaded bit dreamy, that of geography, however, a real Pandora's box. The teacher was fired: Tonkin, Chandernagore elephants in Cambodia, Congo, and picture frames repainted the Sahara. As the priest at the altar, aping its ceremonial, the Master opened his reserve and then the magical enchantments. The Little Henry there was burned the brain, forever.
At ten years, the wound remained open from the dream forever. The imaginary world of children was not hers. This country of ogres and fairies made sauce of guardian angels, Virgin mother of God and by the Constable-care was not his pastor. He is the swamp that he had his devotions, his offices and vespers, hope and faith. He also put his anger. In this new century, Bordeaux was the largest port in Africa and the Gironde Boulevard cathedrals ropes and canvases loaded with coffee, timber, and cocoa - who knows niggers cannibals? On clear days one could see sailors in the rigging. They had seen them. He wanted to talk to them, hear their voices flashes of light in the tropics. They had seen the virgin forest, crocodiles and lions. The pale master prints of all colors came to life he gave them. He choked dream. Another would have found happiness in contemplation. He was dying.
When the tall ships set out again toward the West, he remained until evening to burn the eyes to discern their silhouette in the sun. He wept with pain and frustration. He begged out loud, alone, standing balanced on the edge of the bridge to see longer, to see them again, further, there already where he wanted to be. As he wanted to grow faster!
Three years, no more. His parents, he knew, were going to learn. Faster than the others, he had found a job: it would be marine. "Henri Marin sailor. "It sounded good. He would leave, he promised. To do so would drag the father Marin Bordeaux. Two days of walking! Three years to imagine something.
In Nephew's father was a farm laborer, he, Henry, would not. Each evening after school there was a hook to the bridge to the marsh to see the passing boats he had seen the tower through the trees. Down, sucked who passed by her dream, indifferent, he undertook on the flat area, jumped the ditch, still nearer, further away from the Little Belt, the boundary between the world of wine, hard work and stress and the open, Marsh major trips, gaze unimpeded and boats there. Insert always too late, it was his mania. Not that it was worried. But it infuriated a bit to see the bad jobs, kids-only accrue from day to day. The punishment turned them into a huge requirement of hard labor.
The days passed and the boats as a giant dial who had the weight of unfulfilled dreams. His mother died, her father decided everything. The child was a toddler when a contract of misery had driven his father's farm until Neveu, who had hired him. Parents, a son a little with his sickly wife, a daughter married to a wine shop always on the road, and the last in the age of Henry, who ran the vineyards and the swamp with him since his childhood was lacking ... arms furiously in Neveu. The father exhausted his forties plowing behind his horse, the son assured the sale of wine, but the son ... He fell in sweat, breath, since a fog April had been nabbed in the big room Pontet. Hot water bottles and grog could do nothing. His wife smiling and full of teasing going on without malice:
- Will not catch cold, you're going to have my chicken hot tonight!
Nephew The mother was falsely embellished join his ribald:
- Well my Domi, your little woman in a well of affection for you "
- Oh but it's not" my chicken "but I should say" my cock, huh? "My cock! The fifth
then triggered, that of asthmatic cock he became ... His father, mother, his wife, his sisters and even the worker at the large table for meals burst of laughter that kills. A summer evening on a bench adjacent to the mother, a little hot tall glasses of chilled wine, was released without excessive bitterness, as if to defuse gossip:
- With a son always on the road and my half son is not punctured by tomorrow I'll be a grandmother ...
- Until this taupat * Henry wins the race! I will have to monitor it.
A contract of misery had allowed Henry and his father in a house whose property they had been recognized, before a notary, in exchange for work in the vineyard. A vegetable garden and a pig in his shed adjoining, was the kingdom. War fast approaching, business was booming, prices rose, the house she fell in embarrassment. The price of agricultural labor does not follow that product. The vines continue unabated and still so low. The affairs of the son who used to buy a second horse, the book did not lack for Henri
Both of pigs and their boss, a vegetable garden, two horses to heal, the backyard of bosses, in Cavaillon * shoot, drive carts, hay, rushes, saw - his last grade, he did not pass to discuss with his ivory traffickers schoolteacher: we sent him the urgency of sulfate in a rotten spring. The previous winter, the owner had opened a new line to her. Previously it was as if the kid was only working to help his own father ... little by little drama had drained in favor of a more bitter reality: the contract tacitly implied that he also works.
As nothing was written with this obligation, nothing was not his salary. Like many children at that time he became a pupil-farmhand and gradually farmhand all. Feeling vaguely that any improvement in the condition of her son lead to a deterioration of his, his father lent without harm to the confusion. Farewell ...
Nailed as a serf in the bottom rows of vines, dreams of boat and great fun now starting the whole household, to the delight of the half dead which was a bit hard now in his job as ridiculous. His dream
long term, maintained for years, turned into a brutal and mocking rejection of all those who populated his world. The arguments over and over so long, the "it will not cost you anything" and "I will not cost you anything more". ... Had been crushed by the "you must stay here."
On the bridge, he cried and screamed inside.
"You must stay here"
"But why? "
He had been left out, knowing full well where he went. He vomited his grief. He trampled on the road along the canal. What had he done wrong? The
ten years succeeded in excitement mixed with fear of walking to war. An hourglass needy he was building a fiasco in the hopes dashed. He was enraged to age and grow. He came not to finish his plate. At fourteen years! Every day more, every inch gained, each kilogram taken him away from his dreams of starting foam on ships leaving for there, without him. His dream gnawed away on more weight with resentment and lost opportunities. He was losing sleep. Fortunately League adults watched in stunned tasks. The Master, his followers and even his own father took turns in monitoring every minute, powering the long list of bullying. Henry was looking for in a relentless pursuit the moments of solitude he endured everything without protest forging a character more and more withdrawn. He won the vacant gaze, gesture and fleeing hesitant hands on the head or eyes covered, later transmitted to her child.
Nothing could prevent him from returning as often as his guards forgot, on the shore of the marsh, look, look, get hurt the eyes to follow them to the bottom. As he wanted to be! Years passed.
fourteen summer was very beautiful. The harvest would be nice. Henry Marin slaved occurred when the first miracle. When things go well, do not go against it. In a unknown city in the Balkans an archduke was liquidated by a band that wanted him. Jumping on the occasion, the band attacked the archduke of the killer band, but the friends of friends rogues had them too (some friends ...). In three weeks the father Marino, Dominic consumptive, Denis, vintner, found themselves soldiers, nephew and father at the head of a large vineyard with two horses, four women and Henri. Misfortune and not the chance would a stupid accident rendered him disabled just before the harvest. Others, there ran north to the sea and were buried in the mud, very, very far from Berlin. Henry could have be the king of the farm. No news, women reared, they could rely on the young man if it was not twisted fate involved.
The wine merchant had two brothers. An older, married and a younger, Arnaud. He, the youngest ever on the roads, the death of old, the eldest, remained on the farm was sentenced to the custody of the youngest, a handsome fellow of twenty-two completely retarded. The lottery of the divine bottle strikes everywhere: no deformity, but six years of mental age. We could not leave him alone, Nono. The European roundup of August 14 had fortunately spared, but returned to the house of his sister who left unclaimed by her husband the passenger was slightly brackish to see clutter of a child of twenty two years, she would not have. She felt bitterness and a great affection for her husband. Denis never raised his voice and, without any harshness, did not know what else to please him. Those two loved each other, and his way of always being left, it was his way of not running the risk of putting pregnant, not to transmit the defect. She could never regret this evening gerbaude * where she had both that he had not had the strength to resist. He was handsome, he traveled, he could drive, he had a truck!
Beginning July 14, aware of what was happening in Sarajevo, one of the few that understood it was an emergency and returned to the village, on the ways of white stones, we had seen them both, he and his wife, come and go, turn and come back into the barn and come out. Crank up, fail, try again. The prospect of going on the roads every day, participate in loading the barrels did not scare Lucienne. She entered the twentieth century at the request of her husband, who helped him in his first not. Very few around her could brag about it ... The issue of driver's license does not arise, it was urgent to be able to. The general mobilization
placarded in the town hall, the policeman in every village, the roadmaps of her brother and her husband arrived the same day on the table. They would leave all three in five days in Bordeaux, the steering wheel. No question of going through the national, it would take as usual. In the country the rare opportunity to get to the big city does not understand the path without the most important. Among those people accustomed to frequent travel was seen differently.
A friend of his family beside him, ordered a barge on the Gironde. The steam engine was spitting a lot, but its usual cargo does not complain. The heavy barrels Médoc resented rough roads. Him, he brought them to flank ship Hanseatic, in the middle of the river, to the great satisfaction of the captains to whom he spared the rise driven by a tug to Bordeaux. They would thus
. Right out of the farm, they will bite on the estuary to dock at the Belle Star, the only flat-bottomed tray loaded with a vacuum truck would take the bottleneck between the island Bouchaud and New Island and from there on Susceptible Pauillac. She had done so often this way, refusing to let him go alone in a jealous whim of a happy woman.
Pauillac, Saint Laurent, Castelnau to Bordeaux on the docks where the treated cases. She was beautiful, the Chartrons had known him say. This time they were stopped before at the institution for feeble Mérignac Arnaud who had gathered for a few days. She put the truck in the courtyard of the institution where they spend the night. In the morning, her brother and her husband would go to the barracks from Bordeaux on foot, avoiding him driving in town and she would go back return to pan along with Pauillac Nono.
As she had known to be intractable with itself for accelerated learning which required weeks to others, she was stubborn to require Henry accompanies them. She could not imagine entrusting the crank Nono she hardly knew, let alone put in command at that moment:
"It will flood the engine or accelerate! "
" Imagine he engages with me before! "
" You have often asked Henry to crank when I was busy elsewhere, he knows how. How many times I saw him in the head engine "
There was nothing wrong. Denis knew his brother and knew they would not be too much of both.
Henry made the trip back along the gas cans. The crossing of the Gironde to the outward and return offered him the opportunity to approach for the first time the huge freighters. He heard creaking and hit the water with their bow. It enraged the din of the steam engine. Otherwise, the road was only a succession of jolts in a constant cloud of dust. In return he got in front of Nono in the middle. At her sister, to Henry, the two, he spoke all the time. He said nothing but he spoke. He invented responses even without question. In the evening, despite the heavy mood of the four women, he is an atmosphere of joyful vivacity by her incessant chatter. The shocked father, at the end, no longer the mother said: "My boy you are splitting my ears"
He stopped immediately without seeming held against him.
What would they do with him? A conspiracy of ladders, sharp objects, possible cataclysms prohibited to be left alone. The very next day the women would join men to sulfate. Strong as a Turk, Nono put her sulphates as the Father.
"We'll get to do something"
After an hour they changed a little advice when Nono, blue, came back to refuel. It was not just the leaves. The land between the rows, a passing bird, butterflies, all were treated. It was not all. Per ton, on the cart full of liquid, the horse, in front, there was very little. The idea of a ton to the idea of the horse. Jump from one to the other was very short in the spirit alive, this time, Nono. Henry sprang from the depths of his rank, sulphates for abandoning his run faster. The horse was trying vainly to get rid of the cart blocked stopped, detained by the belts for stretchers. The rump Popaul, all blue, amused the village for weeks.
Gradually Henry was in charge of overseeing Nono. His
nuisance being directly proportional to the importance of work in progress, they found themselves gradually out of sight of others. While the world was drowning in rivers of blood from the Russian front, the Marne and the race to the sea, Rignac, Henry reached its golden age. It should monitor and prevent. Ban, no question. All had agreed that nothing prevents a colossus of 22 years. Only the voices and eyes of Henri limited case. Return to Henry
the task was to increase the breaks. Surveillance could Yet not all the inventiveness of Nono showed them the green monster of August and the fall of September.
channels of the marsh and the Gironde in the distance were a permanent incentive to navigation. A forgotten old boat in the barn was discovered by our excavator. He took it out, Henry himself noting that she was too old and disjointed laths, the boat was nearly put away, but a neighbor's unfortunate ...:
"You have to put your boat in water ... and then caulked with tar . "A half-day
buckets from the common well pitched a dozen angry neighbors against the new marine Nonolaise. The setback never lived a long time: if the water could not come to the boat ... What
had not Henry inviting his daily walk in the Little Belt Bridge! There was all the water we wanted. Seven hundred meters! A boat they had taken a whole day to remove the barn! Rediscovering the gesture
Millennium blockers stones, Nono withdrew from a dozen pile of logs. Henry's son, Andrew, 40 years later, to support Globule that his father was not no stranger this rediscovery. Is there a gene for Ancient History? The boat pushed, rolled on logs so soon overwhelmed if given early in midsummer fourteen Rignac life was not that sad. The speed of the crew and a "no" to any possible animal traction assured peace of mind generally. Some old men gave up their nap to follow the mobile site. The last step was reduced to let slip the ship into the water, very low in summer, the canal.
water slowly swelling the fibers, we could have stop here if the malicious indifference of Bridges and Roads had left on the roadside loading a truck full of tar. A broken axle had led a dozen cans on the roadside. One thing was to repair the truck, another would be to retrieve the cans. Without winch and chain would have had without the strong young men. But ...
Meanwhile, in the summer war and trucks requisitioned, they were there to taunt two hundred meters from the bridge. Roll a bottle should not have a problem with the bold navigators, but this time, the marsh would desert filled eyes and possible accomplices: dozens of boats and tons * ducks waiting for a supplement of essential tar. Within a radius of several kilometers across the country knew, and the gendarmes, as if to justify their non-starting at the front, more controls and patrols in the area of heavy poaching. One solution to use without being seen, without moving the cans.
about fifteen hours, under the dodger of the end of August, not a breath of wind, two Indians a bucket in each hand move towards the cans along the canal. Henry will keep watch and Arnaud unscrew, it just have to pour into the buckets.
- You're sure it's better now. Would not you rather wait for the night?
- The Night All Bracos will exit. That we denounce them.
- "..."
- c't At the time they take a nap, there's no better time.
These days were sweltering August 14. The air vibrated above the steel drums. Nono did not have to unscrew the screw cap until the last lap, burning tar thrown into the air and flooded the boy from head to toe. Screaming in pain, covered with sticky tar, he threw himself into the lens invaded Belt water. Splashing and screaming he emerged, dressed in dark green monster. Then a louder cry silenced him. Ten yards away, behind a fence, ran out a young village woman, overcome with terror. Forgetting in his flight the cows, it seems, she would come back to the barn.
lurched Nono Henry brought to the village where the mother began Neveu weeks off the tarmac with bread soaked in milk. Amused and compassionate neighbors not wanting to come and make new ones. While they were there, they went to the house next to be telling the story the green monster by the young woman who had seen with his own eyes. It was a pleasure for them to make him repeat his tragic occurrence with all the details.
- And just as I passed by there, behind the hedge, to get my cows ....
- And as usual
yes - Yes my dear Josie, since your husband is a soldier is you who look after the beasts ...
- Yes ... yes ... uh bin
Each time this point of the story, the neighbors off again go about their work. Happy every time to sneer them:
- Enter the cows in the open sun! Ff pff!
- Yes, but I was told that she was helping ...
Two generations later, "she gets help" became the expression of several villages coded to designate a knowing smile to those who do were not exactly where they should have been. The misfortune was that many widows did not even have the solace of "get help". It was revived in the country during the last war, one where the prisoners were so numerous. The peasant world is a repository of living traditions. KG and some others have really helped STO assured in Germany.
The emotion and pain Nono blocked a few days at home. Henri, a little shaken, took the opportunity to accompany Lucienne on the road in his travels. She was driving better and better and decided to use a little more usefully Henry. Load and unload the truck that justified using a little, the other three women would help his father in the vineyards. The problem was solved by Nono at the same time because it would also take with her. She recovered very quickly throughout the volume of business she and her husband knew even amplify it. The huge military customer filled notebooks She was organized, reserving appointments and the discussions and agreed that it was ridiculous not to give the wheel to Henry when he was responsible for the maintenance of the truck for years and that Denis has long had taught him the basics. At Henri loads, and Nono to her appointments and visits to clients.
newspapers were full of victories of the Marne, women smile again, they have their men at Christmas. Nono found his usual form. The hour was on stilts: the stilts in the morning, noon stilts, stilts evening and at night, when the father got up to pee Neveu, hung up, fell on an earthenware jug, s'entailla artery and broke his knee two days before the harvest. He remained crippled
family invented a medical history, we added a letter to the sisters almost begging for the institution so weak they regain Nono. Lucienne was exhausted, the other either. A little embarrassed by the bad conscience, she charged Henry transport. He knew the way well.
Fifteen days later, pockets full of money for a few races, Henri Nono left in the hands of a nurse and a truck in a corner of the court. Everything went like a dream: he went commitments to the office on the banks of the Garonne. He walked along the docks and could see them touch the boats he admired from afar since childhood
- Your papers?
- I do not.
Who could have papers at the bottom of the Gironde at the beginning of the century?
- How old are you?
- Eighteen and a half years.
- Your birthday?
- June 22, 1896
- It is December 10, it does not eighteen and a half.
- Oh for 12 days ...
The little lie had made the big move. He had eaten up a year:
- You go to the station presents to them your paper, you will be told ... "
few weeks of classes on the side Toulon and, finally, in April he was on the water. In an iron box, the sound of hell, the smell of piss, the other or his own. There was, he was on the water, but not a sailor. Simple grunt recruited without looking too closely for an expedition intended by one man. They were not told was nothing, but every morning he confirmed that they were going east. _ The East. _ He was left with no money long races, but it was not too bad consciousness. Had not worked for years for nothing, then for almost nothing?
This would be the Dardanelles ...
information was leaked to the promiscuity of transport. Although few of his companions could tell, but he knew, he became known for his drawings of maps in the dust that impressed his peers. Some laughed, he got mad. A sergeant took umbrage. Planned to attack the Asian coast, its transport made a detour to Lemnos. A few meters from the wharf Moudros they made a bridge of planks on boats and the case dragged on, the sergeant took the opportunity to put Henry chore to dock. A mule on the rickety bridge, easy for her, but Henry stumbled, crashed into the dock on a box full of sharp objects exploded: dislocated shoulder and open wound above the knee. As we landed a medical unit, the same material that had served to repair injuries.
The severity of his injury prevents him from participating in the festivities of Kum Kale, just opposite, a few tens of kilometers. Senseless slaughter of three days that saw many of his friends die in the sun this late April, which is so sweet in this region. The sergeant also did not return. Reoccupy the whole body to complete his training in Egypt and did the trip to Lemnos to retrieve a casualty. Orders were given to return the medical unit, but nobody claimed Henry and another wounded, he had slipped, a day before, on a puddle of oil in a bunker. His injury was turning disgusting, it oozed, it stank so much an approach Henry became impossible for well-intentioned people who were grooming each morning. The distance kept by the environment with increased heat, bring her dinner became a punishment. The British officer who led all wandered one evening in the courtyard of the hospital.
"What the fucking hell ..." etc ... etc by pinching his nose.
Henry was assigned the use of a cottage, small and fresh, back, free from surveillance. He would never see the Dardanelles. While he was bored to Moudros, his friends landed at the mouth of the Scamander. The Turkish machine guns added some animation. The board artillery fired at random without some sort too. At great shots: "The guys here we go" packets men earned a space on both sides. Meanwhile, taking advantage of the meager shelter of the steep banks of the river, the troops sank a few hundred meters, then a few kilometers. We stumbled upon the village of Kum Kale, which was taken, lost, and yet again in the screams and explosions. Bodies everywhere, cries, calls, crying, dying, smoke, flares, the show was permanent. And Henry, who was not there. ! The increase in the open plain clashed with guns on a hill to the east. The board artillery too far lacked precision and nobody dared to claim as it had done damage among its own troops. To silence the two "77" German on the slopes of the hill we had brought the two "75". Shooting tense cons tight shot, it went well ... see you live. The artillery officer was responsible infoutu control settings: too short, too far south, too far north, never above. He would have done that on purpose ... A lieutenant in the vanguard claimed to have seen through his binoculars an old Turk at the white mane perched on its roof contemplating the battle. A storm in the night suddenly fills the river, in his anger, Sharia and the corpses of the dead drowned dozens of wounded had been placed there at the shelter.
landed on 25, everyone was re-embarked on 27 evening. Sailing to Egypt, was the decision of the English. Troops was a dire need training, they were far from having outperformed the Ottomans. Fate had willed that the adjutant sanctioner remained there. Henry and his wound was forgotten in Lemnos stinking. One of his best memories will be washed by women not at all embarrassed by its smell. He will remember their laughter and their friction with flowers, he said, accelerated the healing and soothing the pain in his shoulder.
end of May, his arm still in a sling, (you never know, a look malicious could find valiant), leaning on a cane, he began to hobble around the cantonment. Little or no monitoring, it sank a little more each day on the island, to a lake, Lake Limni thing and another lake, Lake Limni trick. The other wounded with him. Imagine their surprise when they discovered the extent between the two lakes covered with toads!
In their walks they found women who had washed. They approached them without scaring them, they knew it from top to bottom. Mop in the campaign, they returned with one or two rabbits snared. They offered to women who kept them for dinner. Greek cheese, olives and the olive trees, the summer was quiet, walks and naps interrupted by laying snares. One day a rabbit
stronger or more agile escaped them in a hole. A stone before releasing another hole presented itself to their eyes on a rocky slope. Idleness is a source of great works. They came every day to explore their "abyss." Fragments of walls in all directions from the intrigued and kept them until the end of their forced retirement. The floor littered with broken terracotta seemed not to have been crushed long ago. Pottery, pieces of marble faced their boots. They found amid the debris of pottery hideous, the lacerated surface of large geometric features. Olives passed the towel to the container. When they had exhausted their reserves, a peasant either filled up the next time. One evening they offered a more convenient straw and lighter. The pottery was brought to Henry's room, on the small table. A visit another evening, put flowers there. Dead flowers, they put something else. This object, no beauty in his eyes, did not deserve the wrath and punishment that caused. A big chief English sore chin came to in November, a surprise inspection.
"Where Are Those bloody frenchies ...? "AND " Every Thing of that ... "
Visit " chamber ", confiscation of the vessel and solitary confinement as soon as these" gentlemen of the French "will be returned to their posts!
at attention in front of the officer
- Where did you find this thing? "
Our two guys are watching, can not imagine what about this officer. They must play perfectly
misunderstanding because the officer gets up, opens a chest and hands the cup under the nose of both punished.
In a perfectly synchronous motion, the two lads grow a sigh relief and display a wide smile.
- Ah, the thing in tile?
- Yes, the thing: what where do you ...? The rage and anger choke the big chief .
- Uh, bin there ... on the road, we can show you.
- All right, we'll see it tomorrow, pending the "hole" as the French say ...!
To his misfortune the officer does not stoop to give orders to give food to our two convicts. They conceived a great grudge:
- Since that's it, we will walk in the marsh Between the Lakes, one day, another day elsewhere, we will do it eaten by mosquitoes.
All for a nasty mud ...
It was that France remembers his two heroes to get them out of jail. Henry returned to France for Christmas. He had not seen the Hellespont or the Pyramids as some of his comrades. Unable to endure the acrid piquette Greek, he was among the few grunts that did not doped with red wine served before the assault. Forward runs and races back, he had his fill, running from bullets. A military policeman told him he was one of the youngest on the battlefield Verdun operations. There was even wounded seriously enough to be referred to Angouleme. He earned the animosity of a nun who could not stand it should walk naked in going and returning from the shower:
- Girls of Lemnos were far less prudish than you ... It is
warrant officers in embittered. She reserved a vengeance on his return from convalescent leave. D'Angouleme, he was back in the Gironde for three weeks. In the handsome uniform, he made a strong impression, stronger, more mature, women who had only Neveu's father, an invalid, for one man. He spoke, he related, he invented perhaps, but still toads, toads ... "The strange country sometimes." Women shuddered. It did not spread on shells and bellies open: at the beginning of year 17, now, hairy kept silence closed. Talk was thinking. And they were there to drown. Back in Angouleme, his train is lagging, he ran back to the military hospital. The good sister pointed out, he was threatened with court martial for desertion. He returned to the front by changing unit. He completed two years of war in a battalion discipline.
Christmas eighteen saw him back for good. The house of his father was his. More and more often he avoided coming to take his meals at the communal table. He returned to the deck of the Little Belt and there, we do not know. Maybe he turned back to the swamp?
Donatien Stealth
Cavaillon : Pull cavaillon , clear the land and the grass at the foot of the vine. The work is done with a spade but imposed too often bend down to pull up roots and tufts of grass
Gerbaud : Big Chow end of harvest.
Taupat : boy brown skin or hair
Ton : Hunting ton, sort of lying half-buried barrel with an opening for access and fire used in the marsh hunting migratory game birds of the same barrel slightly tapered oval was used for transport of Bordeaux, he was lost for the chase.
Vime * name masc. Wicker rod split lengthwise (Salix viminalis) to tie the vine shoots, twigs and such on the wire ... New in the end XIX.
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