Sally is often irritating, it must be said. My
Ford Thunderbird was traveling 55 miles a little (it was not the time to get caught by radar), we had just passed Austin (Texas) and through the open window, the air was a sickening sweetness. The sun was white like a saucer and one could see far but not far Jeff was gone.
In the seat of death, Sally sniffed loudly as brat girl, sipping a can of Coke. I am among those who think that people who drink Coke while driving should be hanged.
-My conversation bores you, right?, She let go.
"You have no kind of conversation, I'm afraid. But you're still beautiful, I said to have peace.
Peace is what I then ran a good part of my life without achieving anything but far recess. The things we aspire are those that recoil as we journey towards it, it's been a long time that it works well, and a bunch of people.
Sally tried once again to make up in the air stream the open window, with her hair that made waves, like a comet tail. It had yet to leave a motel 30 miles ago, where she shut herself up near an hour in the bathroom. As women age, they spend time in their bathroom.
Finally, it is perhaps where we should bury them.
I was just chatting on the theme of morose delectation, when a snake crossed the road. As a kid, I kicked the steering wheel to make the difference necessary to crush it. It was a flop-flop a little disgusting in the wheel, and in the back, I saw squirming on the spot and beat the air for nothing. And then it disappeared from my field of vision.
But that was always there, handy and light, it was Sally. Earlier, when she landed in the middle of the night in my bungalow on 57 th drive, I had just finished the manuscript of my twentieth novel. Those who have never experienced this issue can not understand. I had a baked good gin and tonic to celebrate that, alone with my old typewriter Jappy witness. It should never be completely drunk, in case he should stand out. Go to the hospital or something like that. But
This has knocked on my door, to 3:30 in the morning, it was worse than the hospital emergency. Sally was disheveled, traces of purple mascara under her eyes wet. And at the same time, the black eye and determined that I know, that the days when it is a real misfortune that the cross his path.
I was a little party, I found it hard to accommodate, but I gathered what was left of lucidity. I felt that it was better.
Without it did not say anything to see her standing there in my living room, her long legs on high heels, I realized that the troubles were return. I vaguely thought "why me?" But at the same time, I knew that this kind of question it is pointless to ask.
Why me? Probably because I have a head of destiny. Probably because I have a car with a big chest and I do not ask questions.
She went directly to the fridge to use a scotch. It's a gesture that reminded me that that's why I had transferred my home twenty years ago. She was then nineteen, was allegedly a student of letters, but it had always seemed unlikely. For her, the letters were from the Hebrew. It was wild, lively and animal and I seriously laboring on the mat room when I returned from work exhausted. She even claimed that I was the first but not the feeling I had at that time.
After me, she had married hastily with Jeff, a guy who was in oil, had an Oldsmobile, hair and short ideas, but the bulging wallet. Something between routine and inevitable, something which we had never speak again. She invited me from time to time at dinner in their large house near the derricks in the closed private employers. The one where, by dint of watering, they manage to grow the lawn in the middle of rattlesnakes.
I knocked at the door then plated gold, which she opened in negligee undulated in the air stream, said she was horribly late and shouted: "Jeff, it's there. It's Sonny, my best friend. "
I've always found the term too much, and besides, he lit a piece of mistrust in the eye of dull named Jeff. The rest of the evening was going to always answer his questions relevant, such as: "A writer is not just a job as a fag, right?" .
Or: "I understand why you Sally plated, man. It is the gold-plated its thing, not piss-copies ". He then missed a choking in his hearty laugh and I had to wait for midnight so I can finally go out, a smoke in the garden and back in my car, wondering:" Why me? ".
But tonight, in my bungalow, between sobs and a brief shot of Jack Daniel, Sally had come to tell me that Jeff was now in the trunk of his car, trash bags, that he did not feel good and now it attracts more flies.
I vaguely raised an eyebrow, but little more. Then, without stopping, like a flood, she said. How she released two rattlesnakes in the bathroom with gold-plated faucets. How the last shower of Jeff was a nice surprise. How she looked in the evening, swell and turn purple, Gasper to find the air like a goldfish that has more water. How she could have it in the evening during his thank you and tell his truths. How he had wasted his life, how she was sick of his stories stealth with his secretaries.
I watched and I wondered how could you have such hatred. Why not taking a .38 Special, like everyone else, taking care to clean the walls after. But I said nothing, because the volcanic eruptions of Sally but are intermittent lightning, and also because I was mesmerized by the sharp tip of her boots in purple lizard. I thought that a well placed shot of this stuff does not help my situation.
I still made a vague idea of surprise but not a protest, no. I just expressed my surprise, however, added that it seemed gassed them. Last month, invited to dinner, I arrived home a little early and entered the open veranda. To find standing skirt tucked, pinned by Jeff cons the fridge.
She replied, enigmatically
"Whoever spat its venom will die by the venom.
I had not insisted and tried to think about the way forward. Have wrote twenty thrillers, in these cases, it is not helping.
I did not pity it, no. The only person I could feel sorry that was me, and I passed that stage long ago.
I proceeded to transfer the package from his car to mine and headed North towards Austin. It was an idea of Sally, that, spinning in the desert. Me, I thought it was a mistake, it's still in town we would come out best.
Around 6 am, we had already crossed three cars of cops, and she wanted to stop at a motel to shower and reflect. Again, I replied that this was not a good idea, as motels were filled with surveillance cameras and credit cards leave more traces of a boar in a hunt.
But I just said it like that, without insisting. To the right order, so as not to be taken for a fool till the end.
Then we drove an hour and a half, to a hypothetical open dump that Sally knew-God knows why, to try to drop our package.
arrived there, it had rained and the Buick sank into a gray ash and gadouilleuse the most beautiful effect. Before it is fully planted, it went down to inspect the foot, it sank to just above the ankles.
corner had changed, it seems, and there was now a fence three meters high, which encircled the filth. Crows were perched on posts and contemplating the disaster with an indifferent air. It was also the rendezvous of the Wildcats. Two of them we have looked and smelt from afar: they seemed to know more about our destiny ourselves.
And then came the other idiot, a kind of vigil unlikely and plump, and mesh cap bristling with walkie-talkies, tear gas and torches, holding a Doberman who was pulling badly on his leash. I've noticed.
"Hey, love", he threw five yards. "If you are looking for a quiet place for you tripotter is not here."
It was now less than two meters, I heard his breath and he scored a time, as the old players.
Then he added: "Or should not be selfish and share a little, eh, my pretty?". He grinned while opening the fly in fatigues, and I thought that would make a hole in the ball 38 between both eyes pigs. I took a small RĂ¼ger Stainless 5 shot with me, just in case.
Fortunately, the desire has left me very quickly and I pulled Sally at arms, before she makes him jump orbits with her nails purple. Just in case, I shouted loudly "Come, Helen, we returned to San Francisco." Because it was still in one that we had seen and it was better tracks.
returned to the car, I headed south, that is to say where it came from. That's what I felt was more reasonable. Sally said nothing, I think that's when she realized she would not recover. She fell to
just the head when you crossed the "Highway Patrol" and do more sniffing. In the late afternoon, she wanted to stop again in a motel.
I said yes. In the bedroom, she dug into the bar, threw herself on the bed and began to derail. She said God also wondered what happens to him. "He is like us. He looks at our bodies with detachment. It does not exist, since it does not realize it exists."
And then also, as a kid, she asked me what it was like paradise, and if there was Bourbon.
I replied: "I do not know, we'll see on the spot".
But she did not laugh.
Without transition, undressed, started crawling on the bed and asked me to kiss. "Go ahead and clear. Cogne, otherwise I feel nothing."
I understood then what she did not say, but it is never safe, of course. I went to the phone, I pulled the wire and told him bound wrists and ankles to the bars of the bed. She always grumbled in a low voice, "Yes, go ahead, knock your bitch," when I told him suddenly pressed the pillow over his head, hard and long. It was a little discussed, but weaker and shorter than I had expected.
I was calm and I had a vague sense to have regained control, the trouble went away. It was returned the little girl she had been before all this bitchiness. Still, now it looked like a stranger in the room, Sally. One that would come from a distant country and that we dare not even speak.
I loaded into the trunk of the Buick, where he was still a little room, and I drove south. In the radio K7, Bruce Springsteen sang "Darkness on the Edge of Town" and it said:
"Everybody's got a secret Sonny Something
optometrist just can not face Some folks
Spend Their Whole Lives Trying to keep it
Theys Carry It With Them Every Step optometrist take
Till Some Day, They just keep it loose Cut it loose gold
let it down drag'em
Where No One Asks Any questions Or looks too long
in your In the face
darkness on the edge of town. "(1)
At dusk, the sky was striped with red above the road. Then the red started flashing like beacons. Off I saw something that looked so much like a dam cops that it was. At least three cars across. He came back this phrase K. Dick: "The reality is that continues to exist when you have ceased to believe. "
The boss singing now
"Tonight, tonight, The Highway IS bright
Out of Our Way, mister, you best keep
'Cause summer's here & the time is right
For Racing In The Street" (2).
It was like a signal. I posted my belt, crushed the accelerator to the floor, put his hands flat on the wheel and waited for it to come. With this grin on my lips as I know, because I got most of my life. One that seems to say: "I did my best but it was not enough."
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Credit graphic: "Melissa" by Duran.
(1): Bruce Springsteen, "Darkness on the Edge of Town", 1978 Columbia Records
(2) Bruce Springsteen, "Racing In The Street", 1978, CBS / Columbia
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