- - This guy came to see me in my office. It was late and I was playing with a foam ball and asked me if I would not be better to go home instead of deceiving my boredom and my laziness with this little ball, when he entered without knocking or warning. I must admit, it caught me by glandouille to work. He sat on the chair in front of me before I had time to remove my feet from the office so I did not move, feigning nonchalance full insurance.
--- He began to recite his pedigree and the reasons for his coming into my office unannounced in a monotone and without pausing. This was that the sales pitch, an introductory course to give a polished look trivial at this meeting that certainly was not. I knew and he knew I knew. A rough outline of coverage for him and for me that was just to numb the walls and ears.
--- Watching him, I wondered how it all could do that would give the impression that this is an innocuous conversation. With a figure as flexible as a crowbar, hair too perfectly plated on the head and eyes dangerously reminiscent of two wells leading God knows where, his countenance belied alone the trivial character of this meeting. Still, its mine gallows was perhaps not an ode to the discretion but what was certain was that she had a gift for attracting mine. --- Inside was a letter describing the mission they proposed to give me the amount of my reward and the appointment of closing this transaction during which I would swap my work completed and stapled against the greenback promised. I walked the white sheet in all directions, I had no signature preview. Obviously.
" A simple yes or no would you? "
--- My taciturn visitor had taken my true / false question with a slight laugh rising from his chair. The feet still perched on my desk, I had looked out of the room without looking back. I remember thinking at that time that there are guys with whom I would not play a game of poker. I rather glad he is no longer in my office but I regret a little not having been able to get some information about the identity of the person or organization, who was sent here. Whatever the changes, the Jazz is a dangerous team that is better to have at the end of his gun when one crosses a street corner. My sponsor has reason to be wary. The problem for me is that many are thinking the same thing. Lakers, Nuggets, Mavericks, Spurs, Blazers, Thunder, Grizzlies, Clippers, it can be anyone of them ..
--- So there I was confronted with the Utah Jazz in the middle of the night, hardly supported by the rather weak light of my desk lamp. A little voice in my head well pervert says I'm m'esquinter eyes on a computer screen uncooperative and that I would be better to dreamland, but I'm quiet a large gulp of soda generously sent his belt . A quick glance at the roster Mormon remember it will take more than a glance to tackle this job. The relief carving was done by some one of its major players, or at least, of significant importance, but was bailed out rather well in return.
--- It is obvious that the new team will not have the automation of the past but knowing Jerry Sloan, they will come soon. Sure it will slip a bit early in the season and on that I do not wet a lot, Jazz season began for a while now and it's not hard to see that we are not still looking wrong with them. By cons, this new version may be fresher and inflated with renewed hope. This development of effective more or less forced to clean perhaps a lot of frustration. Deron Williams had already shown some signs of irritation to systematically knock a glass ceiling planted across the last steps leading to the final. With different weapons, it is a new adventure, free of failures of the past, and the all-star point guard might attack the season with a brand new teeth. I also wonder if the novelty of this Jazz team does not automatically destroy the stock of experience that other franchises had stored up against them to force their way to cross. Does all that compensates for automation and refined by years of common experience of residents of the State Mormon? I can always ask the question, nobody in this world would be damn to respond to the field and hand I doubt that my visitor face razor blades allow me to wait for his opinion on the subject.
--- Carlos Boozer left, Al Jefferson has landed. This is the major change without any doubt. But "change" is perhaps the wrong word. A power forward for a power forward, an interior offensive to vocation rather efficient in one-cons-one capable of providing twenty points every night, often with a dozen rebounds in addition to the addition, which takes the place of another. Without much differ from last season, Utah will draw from its internal double double of 20 rebounds per pions/10 handles. Clearly, Jefferson comes in the home of Jerry Sloan for putting on shoes Boozer.
--- Carlos Boozer left, Al Jefferson has landed. This is the major change without any doubt. But "change" is perhaps the wrong word. A power forward for a power forward, an interior offensive to vocation rather efficient in one-cons-one capable of providing twenty points every night, often with a dozen rebounds in addition to the addition, which takes the place of another. Without much differ from last season, Utah will draw from its internal double double of 20 rebounds per pions/10 handles. Clearly, Jefferson comes in the home of Jerry Sloan for putting on shoes Boozer.
--- But again is it the old? I had hoped to decide on the defense, but there is not one to catch the other in that area, the difference may be that Jefferson has always been in teams of little value. Immersed in a different environment, relieved of some responsibilities and under the eyes threatening Jerry Sloan, one can perhaps have the hope that his lack of effort and knowledge on the issue are largely dependent on the context (when was the last time we asked him defend, seriously?). While Boozer, he was already a mediocre defender in a competitive environment and under the command of a great coach. I would also say that Jefferson is larger (2.09 m against 2.06 m) so bad for bad, as many have one that has a few extra inches. The size of the Inland
tend to alter the path of enemy fire, sometimes even to dissuade the attackers to make incursions into the racket. Jefferson was not a defensive impact as interesting but still a great big and its very presence very mobile and reactive-is necessarily a bit more of a deterrent than Boozer.

--- But that this is just nit-picking, the real advantage derived by replacing the Jazz Boozer by Jefferson is that it can shift the 2.09 m of its new interior pivot without too many scruples and freely use the small (2.03 m for the most optimistic) but excellent Paul Millsap full time on the power forward position. Indeed, it was once quite uncomfortable to have Boozer and Millsap together in the field since both are pure power forward and neither is suited for the position 5. If the racket Boozer / Millsap was actually quite talented and productive, it showed a serious problem long face opponents who have an ogre or two in their workforce (Lakers, Orlando ,...).
--- Waiting for the final verdict of the land that will not come until May, I think I can say without fear of cutting off the thumb as the franchise with new colors inappropriate fate for now winning . On paper, at least. Therein lies the difference may be: with Jefferson, there is uncertainty that there was not that good with Carlos.
--- It is time to take off the eyes of the domestic sector, the line outside had a facelift just as bright. Kyle Korver and Wesley Matthews had left the ship, quickly replaced by Gordon Hayward, Raja Bell and Earl Watson.
--- However, Watson will remain the foremost player allowing Deron Williams to blow a few minutes on the bench so ultimately, its impact overall will be quite limited. The other two external recruits, Gordon Hayward and Raja Bell should have a higher weight and a greater role. In fact, they will have a yield at least equivalent to that of Kyle Korver and Wesley Matthews, the players they replace. Are they weapons?
--- I search two or three times the same drawers, reverses a stack of documents and sends half a dozen balls of paper into the trash as opposed to the room (only two successes, not a good day today) before I remembered that I have not written about Gordon Hayward , drafted in the ninth position last June. The weather is cruel, it constantly reminds you of your past laziness by making you understand that what was not done Retoque at the door at another time, not necessarily well placed in the calendar. Must say we had a busy summer, eh? --- I find myself plunged in elbow-length articles, videos and phone calls to learn more about this young white beak shooter as the State of Indiana seems to produce so much love for some Larry Bird. Gordon Hayward jumped to the general public by conducting a solid media but few of Butler University in the finals of the NCAA tournament. A feat that may have released better than it is. In my opinion, Hayward can be a good owner in the NBA but not number 1 (see number 2) a franchise. By cons, it seems to have been coined specifically for Jerry Sloan. With his understanding of game might have been the work of the late John Wooden, the winger 2.03 m fairly quick is most comfortable and most successful when the group held its workings.
--- It's simple, it cuts toward the basket at the right moment to receive the ball in a position that allows him to find an enforceable qualities finisher, is effectively implementing its science spacing that goes well with his talented shooting guard from down town and so general, rather just play. Seeing all this, one might wonder if the coach of the Jazz has not slipped little notes about how to play basketball in his lunch during his childhood.
--- Since its excellent success rate for three-point shooting has taken a shine when it passed the freshman valuable complement to Butler's offensive leader for its second season (44.8% almost 5 long-range shots to 29.4 on a little more than 4), during which he had to have warmed to the attention of opposing defenses and make much more contested shots, I tell myself qu'Hayward is certainly more dangerous in the costume of a secondary offensive option that
i enjoy the work of others and open positions, especially if you can flank one large caliber point guard at his side. And certainly, this is the case of Utah.

--- In fact, on his defense that some have become accustomed to wince. It's not his attitude that can attack; applied and persevering, he defends as the schoolboy attentive and zealous in his / her face. The problem is that it is not as explosive as a lot of wingers in the NBA and is likely to boil over regularly. But this should not prevent him from being on the field, Kyle Korver is not a defender so conscientious that he had indeed managed to crack a spot in the rotation Mormon.
--- Korver, precisely, is the void he leaves the station 3 that will fill Hayward while Raja Bell will fill the occasioned by the departure of wonder in Portland Wesley Matthews. Is Utah won the exchange? Hard to say. The difference is not huge, unless qu'Hayward bringing in his luggage the uncertainty inherent in every rookie, no crashes completely (Adam Morrison, yes it is for you I think that guy an idiot) and it takes him a full season to acclimate to the really big league.
--- I am not including the adjustment period of a rookie, my job is knowing what the Jazz will be worth the doors of playoffs, where it really counts. The season does not interest me for the work they told me. Later in the year, Hayward has found your cruising speed and it is likely that he will bring something a size equivalent to whatever was in Wesley Matthews last year (ten issues and effective solutions). Maybe a little more, maybe less. From there, the pair Hayward / Raja Bell does not really seem weaker than the pair Wesley Matthews / Kyle Korver. Bell is perhaps not as good a shooter as Korver but it is a better defender despite his aging legs. If CJ Miles continued to grow, it should form a duo quite interesting about the post 2 with the experienced native Virgin Islands.
--- Jazz seems to emerge the winner of this offseason it seems. Rather on details and with a few handfuls of uncertainties in the pockets but it is rather promising. The thing that might rumple my sponsors, who obviously have some reason to be wary of this team in spite of the actual remodeling is that it may reach its full potential over the coming years. Al Jefferson had not often experienced victory during his career but has roughly the same age as Deron Williams and Paul Millsap, while Gordon Hayward from the top of its 20 years is likely to become a fourth wheel excellent and perfectly complements the pre-cited trio for many years. It's rather shrewd of the leaders, Deron Williams has more two years on his contract and now is convince that there is a bright future in Salt Lake City.
--- course, comparing a team that has already played a season with one that has barely begun his is stupid. I rely here primarily on the potential of the new Utah Jazz and we all know that the prosecution likes kill all the stuff associated with that word. But it's not my problem, I do the job I'm asked to do as little as it may be useful as a check falls into my pocket.
--- I have a few hours before going back for another spin him my paper. I will point straight to the point of rendezvous, a park full of joggers-day long like that, I could pioncer quietly waiting. It will only wake me when it will point.
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