"Julien turned quickly and struck the eyes so full of grace Madame de Renal, he forgot some of his shyness"
Stendal "The Red and Black "
Stendal "The Red and Black "
Debonair, Solange advocated conciliatory toward his mark Anne-Flore:
-" A little indulgence, calculated humiliation aunt ... "
-" Self, no, this plum? ! All costs, you retract continuously harness SS! In addition, she palpated the double blow by adding the length of the strong-arm scion priest! "
-" Do not laugh. Our miscreant brother himself making openness of Andrew. Without hesitation, we care about his health. This pale and prematurely aged pre-threaded ... more deplorable: the acceptance of a disability that breaks all his projects. "
-" Lack more than the camellia! ! .
Solange heartbroken tenderness, observed:
- "New cynicism! "
-" Attendance newsrooms. "
-" Once both of you agree with jolly! . Anne-Flore dodged the arms of his sister who tended to it ...
- "In a previous life! The pity is the tease group and contorted his character should not get better! "
-" You see, you know him well! ... and you're not wrong! . Anne-Flore
gagged turbulence which overflowed his brain. To "limit the damage," she rid ...
paragraph - "Good! Do not squander more time to rattle a priest! Provided that no-cal after Virgil distracted our balancing act in this shipwreck variegated: pinnacle reliefs of a story not altogether atypical for cross swords with Aunt Marie-Estelle; and, above all, the fiasco: damn miss "events of Paris."
- "Oh! Virgil was inspiring! "
-" Slash-esteem is no less vivid! Damn fumasse: miss any block! Your stories Resistance me back to my own guts and I missed everything today - nay! - Wholly unfit to be acquired my area, the rendezvous of history! I n'ébauche that déconfitu-res ... "
-" My darling! Calm down! I hate this mess! "
-" While console me in telling me, verbatim, all the ingredients and the same perks. "
-" In extenso? as you go! Exactly the most laborious and antithetical to the succession of phases: one does not know how to handle these spi-eral random poorly built. "
- "Come, do not grumble, it upsets your caliber! "
- Notes that your disappointment is all the more defensible. Insoluble! Transformed into intelligible sentences this outbreak seething, unbridled, freedom spawning with mischief; ideology turned into fair. Debates uninterrupted-pus in the overcrowded lecture halls, on the verge of explosion - A true "ship of fools!
- "Yes, but what a devastating fire on the sets of the Odeon or the Sorbonne! "
-" We have patrolled, walked in at the most extravagant: I see this waiter who rushed into a Catiline Orations for the first time in his life before this audience big mouth. He realized his problems literally "plebeians" and took conscientious As he ba-searching. In a breathless silence, he joined his inanity: tears in eyes, radiating audacity to support the general euphoria ! Almost numb hearing this unforgettable! "
-" Splendid! . The mask
desperate Anne-Flore detuning the exclamation, Solange, sat down beside her and took her hand
- "You know, you must learn to plan distances. One can feel: the string-they generate something positive? Arthur and I are preparing for a review to clear up some broad guidelines. Despite the apparent de-messiness, small groups worked night and day to provide a rational framework for all these harangues disheveled. I sat with one of them. You Upgrade to Formatting help us. "
- "Is it conceivable without participation or deliberation? Oh, my Solange eternally great! I will finally join the Revolution! ! "
-" Still, you'll never stop you from moving to extremes, my dear! Do not worry, there is no nepotism. We need the trained eye of a journalist day - outside expertise. "
- "Outside! That's the word! "
-" You will read our notes and we will discuss together. I rely on you to challenge us. "
- "But spontaneity? "
-" You will oversee the films. We need a cool head chaperone for writing. "
- "I, realigned and immediately useful - really? ... "All this
rang false to the ears of Anne-Flore, but Solange does not seem to perceive it. Aware of the delicacy required for such a composition, his sister could not see a zeal comforting ... Suddenly, here at Castel Peyriac in the breezes so old that "corn" so long ago prophesied Anne-Flore : journalism does not he give him a taste of writing? Solange continued its abstraction:
- "Besides, it will correspond to an unprecedented exploration to your new ME-tier. Here he reassures me: you have finally thrown the shackles of the piano. "
- "straitjacket, right! My ex-husband and bandleader, Augustine Sorelles, fenced in vain to communicate to me his passion about my talent as an instrumentalist! "
-" What dost thou were trapped as in a burrow. "
- "To survive in prison atmosphere during the war."
- "Andrew, in his own way, has protected you ... "
-" In the camp bigot and collaboration? "
-" My darling! ... At the center of hostility ... "
Unpack with outspoken what Anne-Flore Castel Peyriac brooding? In the joy of liberation ... Solange Castel Peyriac suspected she?
- "The" enmity! . Always angelic! I sniffed at what point I was you-see, ratiboisé, with upturned, in summary illegal - what a crap! "
-" You always dramatize! "
-" Oh yeah? unabated, according to my aunt déblatérait freckles: my so-called traits I do not akin to the family and list the rest! ... "
-" Allusion to your mother, Wilhelmina, Austrian-born ... "
-" In point of m'étiqueter as a 'metic'? . Solange too good for finger ... "
-" Aunt Mary Estelle esteemed your mother Letitia. Yet she has not had to go much this little Corsican and nice name - I guess that did open to the Vatican Catholic mafia! "
-" In any case they failed to convert you! "
hired her sister Solange to rise:
-" dissect something else! ... Let me appraise your new Silhouette: Hum! A whimsical and sophisticated ... nothing lovely! .
- "You're not objective! "
-" Virgil leading gallant very loving! "
-" Chiqui or not, myself, my perspective is independence! "
-" Motherhood ... "
-" Here we go! People that you cherish you enjoin them in accordance dynamism macho! the mode of childbirth! the stars themselves, show off their offspring with their sex appeal! You, a feminist you faint and lowers us to a uterus! . How
confess to a sister also helpful with this fantasy Anne-Flore Castel Peyriac knew hallucinatory dream interpret factual ba-nal? When she was hitting some vagissante stroller, stubborn tree, (as if there were grounds for a claim to put down as all living), she was caught by an impulse disgrace: to crush his cigarette into the bulging eyes of infants brawlers ... For it launder she attributed to vision atrocious: the graveyard scene in "Hamlet" (Shakespeare):
- "... The skull contained a language and could sing once. As this odd encounters the earth! As if it's jaw Cain, who made the first mur-be! That this donkey was crushed and maybe the noggin of a statesman who thought he could circumvent God! Why not? ... "
examples of captures buttoned pessimistic, guilt visceral overthrow it a peck she regretted immediately:
-" You yourself you have not had! "
nose up its momentum of protest, she restrained herself quickly. Reached his impetuosity, invariably, a steadfast affection she abused. Innate loyalty despite the lack of Solange in the war.
This return to Castel Peyriac some disoriented little Anne-Flore: wrinkles of her sister - she who s'encartait in beauty salons, to face the Cape fati-Dique: 40 years!
... "They were long dead
" But knew themselves to punishment. " H. Heine "The Lorelei"
Solange Castel Peyriac emanated already an appearance of amiable old lady naturally distinguished but no primer. Indifferent to the "graying" of the bou-cles, shapeless, his face crumbled on a pole lines Venustic anonymous. Attentive to the coquetry of her younger sister, herself seemed to have already endorsed his ilk as " old plow "... A fluctuation silky united the manners of lascivious her cat," Hermes ", nestled in her lap. Vigorous and wild "British shorthair, black and white, which did not allow himself fondling by his mistress. The exquisite indolence of a Renoir ... Another image was eclipsed by the sour-dine in Paris: the sweet Solange qu'enroulait its carousel cat ... suggesting:
"A cat is a bit of silence goes by"
Anne-Flore compensated by its plush, following the various failures on the domestication of animals ... So many tribulations depreciated! ... But these veins become more prominent and speckle that hatch by hand through the hair of the beast ... As a sign of forgiveness, Anne-Flore grabbed his hand. Her sister bonded without seeming affected:
- "While in Corsica, children are adored! Invariably, in families "old girl" pamper them in her arms all day long - which made them fickle! Thus, Pascal and I have we enjoyed this predilection. Laetitia, our mother, sacrificed to give us life and almost revered as a saint, she has perhaps erasing the traditional "my instinct-rd" ... this desire has not operated. Nevertheless, I have a companion, Arthur, vi-gilant. Happiness in solitude requires a balance ... "
-" What happiness? "
-" My darling! What does this mean? Tell me ... "A bomb exploded
Pascal emerges, shouting
-" De Gaulle has made a statement on the radio: the National Assembly is dissolved and a Gaullist demonstration is planned on the Champs-Elysees! "
They rushed to the parlor where there was television. Anne-Flore went to his room rushed her radio, providing a substantial direct.
Castel Peyriac, diving in the radio report on the manifestation of the Gaullist May 30, 1968, did not hear the knock at his door-be-open. Andre Miramont Dessessart advanced stealth and whispered
- "Anne-Flore! .
She sensed nothing, surly, indignant, aloud:
- "Everything is done for, the revival of revolution-cons! What a shower! ! "Andre
called again. Always deaf, pointing back to his transistor, the monologue:
- "Here! This historical episode ... passed under the nose! .
He had planted himself before her
- "Anne-Flore, my little sister! It's me, Andrew! "
-" My father! ... You tumble over me like smallpox on the lower clergy Breton! .
He was answered without flinching. Andrew, always master of himself (despite the emotion) chose to ignore the mud of the provocation ... unseated, he stammered:
- "Why vous? "
-" I praise your reputation! "... And Anne-Flore increased the sound of the radio.
- "To me, you'll be for eternity, this adorable little girl, dressed entirely in black breakaway ... Paradise ... "
-" Time sprayed these kinks moldy. "
-" see you again at Castel Peyriac abolishes any stage or size! ... Rap-up shovel "Cyrano": "I'm just a shadow, and a clarity you! "...
-" What? ! ... Sorry, I do not decrypt your toast! ... "
Anne-Flore, taken aback, however, cast an eye on the sly. Comparing this to the young man ethic strong and graceful at once guessed it, time to-be, in a ghostly haze - despite his efforts to cauterize. The voice which seemed designed to sing the Mass, extended ... in fingering his litany:
- "... one roof ... tumultuous days if ... which mingle so beautiful ... "
He was obliged to stop; dyspnea interrupted effusion. He sat down - a rare thing - without seeking permission.
- "Ah! ... Too shaken to fetch my formulas! "After this short stay
Andre notified his frustration vis-à-vis this rude obstinacy:
-" Please, turn that radio! "...
Anne-Flore, taken aback, was executed with an automatic mute, but Rembar-ra, convinced that a thousand leagues dissociated:
- "virgin whore, my father! a prelate dud vapor shopgirls ... "Far from
seem offended, he insisted:
-" Infidelity is not in my nature ... "
-" Damn sticky indeed! "
-" In which case ... you ... "
-" Are we still merdoyer in tragedy for non-attendance at Price "Model"? "
-" For over a year since my return from Africa, I wanted to see you, at least in our family reunions ... "
- "The surprise parties débectent me. "
-" So you erase the past the stroke of a pen! ! ... "First
bomb, Anne-Flore himself:
-" Forget it! You torpedoes mails about events far more serious. Unconscious in an uprising broke his fury, you and your require our capitulation to the implications ... "
-" What? "
-" A real riot, my father, not a monomial students! While you cloud hovering over your honor, everything has moved down here. Despite the failure plau-sible in elections the emblem of this innovative dawn spread its power prescient: capitalism triumphant, obscurantist and former San Sulpician worse! "
-" Selfish, these circumstances have allowed me t'intercepter flight. "
-" A Christian as insensitive to the police repression was hitting blindly, even loafers, m'éberlue! "
-" I know these rumors ... a little crazy ... "
-" No rumors, real beating! But for you a "leftist" more or less! ... "
Andrew, out of strength:
-" Anne-Flore, I'll please! ... I find it exceedingly difficult for so many years tells me that you Catiline Orations an activist ... "
-" Turn back the future as your father has denied his country? "
-" Oh, it is easy to hide behind the hottest news! A storm-doniste hey. Anarchic, rather than acceleration of history. I have in-core enough hearing to hear this joke workers cleared the stu-dents from indoctrinating them to their factory: "So son of a bourgeois would they suddenly become revolutionaries? "
axiom, which spurred Anne-Flore, raising his patience
- "You vasouillez, my father, giving you the glove to defend your enemies middle class! Despite appearances, the people finally triumph in holding on to that bloody re-word and his omnipotence. Your monopoly is tor-ket. This time we do allow more compile, even if the government believes it is enough to scare ... swear! "
-" You do not lock myself up in this political debate - especially with the vo-cabulaire! "
-" The Price "Model" you compromise to the hilt! Sartre, himself, refused the No-bel. "
-" Luxury inoperative for the crowd of hungry I help: where I come from, secured by the search for daily bread ... "
-" Who is to blame, if not for American imperialism - a tautology! "
-" You're going too far, again without interruption in the dark! "
-" Who keeps the Third World status of serf for not balking against the tyrants that you support, like the good old days of colonialism? "
-" Your slogans are diametrically opposite direction to new ways to bail the Third World. A countdown of your stereotypes, they respect his liberty. Moreover, it is a spiritual problem: the poor evangelize us by their very existence! no conversion without sharing. Fran chi weakening of malnutrition, the man stands up ... "
-" Your preaching charity is a sham for ac-despotic abuses carried out in these nations with so-called need your help. Currently, the proletariat would strut. He grabs, finally, his destiny to remove dictators, bless your pope. See Che Guevara and Castro's armed struggle is only effective! Me, I live by them with the true internationalist solidarity with cabana home! "Andre
-" My God! You, so tenderly feminine in violence! "Blessed are the articles without peace! "Jesus said.
- "Yeah! "Pax Americana"! It is you who hate you because they ef-spawn! ... Really, no need to prolong the sauce with harems as ru-pine! "
Anne-Flore preferred to dislodge a dialogue to break sterile ...
As she was moving toward the door, Andrew cried in a voice scratched:
- "No! No! Anne-Flore rest! "In the deportations carried
Andre said to her, his cane fell. She re-alisa, in a second, his inability to get physical and she picked herself. To submit, it came close. The brilliance of those eyes green water, clear and gazed with blazing intensity. Far from the fallen man, built like a Giacometti, the figure resplendent and proud of the past: look of the royal bird of prey, almost disembodied profile in its pub-purity ... The only abnormality, this small birthmark on the tip of ear who raps milk his uncle, Bishop Miramont Dessessart. Remanence mysterious, strange today who brushed to listen with more concentration. Yet the focus of Andrew sounded like a plea:
- "Anne-Flore ... know it ... ... I am your severity flawless regenerates against the coarse pity ... I'm surrounded by my alleged impo-tence ... Above all, I implore you, promise me never to judge ... a small indulgence ... ! .
She apprehended the unbearable pity ...
minute - "Do not put martel in mind for things I did not even occur. "
-" You persist in the "International "To implement its orders," the past let us clean slate! ? "
-" When the insurgency ... "
-" Does this mean it to atrophy his soul? ... "
-" You serine flecks of idle ... "
Phew! Relieved, she recognized the footsteps of Virgil. Rushing, she snuggled into his arms with joy. Himself seemed to overflow with joy
- "Anne-Flore, darling, I'll m'enticher Castel-Peyriac! Bou-quet this sense! I picked for you, my love! C'est extra! indeed your brother knows all the plants! We just nab a thrilling ride and I regret that you did not enjoy this place! The horses here are a few magnificent! She adopted the same playful tone to suppress his cousin
- "What professionalism! You're drunk at the Gascon flora to better de-paint your readers! "Freed from this distressing
head-to-head, she blessed Virgil Pascal for inviting a tantalizing trip in spite of the barricades ... These trifles would defeat lightness, much to his taste against the cousin and his emphatic verb.
- "Walk-haste and carelessness with Pascal! A series of articles why not? The beautiful Gascony that I devour through you! "All
enthusiasm, entering the room, Virgil did not take care Andrew. He nearly upset when the latter came out, it came pre-vehemently
- "Father Miramont Dessessart ... I am unforgivable! ... please ... why did you leave us ... How fortunate you say, finally, all my admiration! "
-" Please, do me! "...
-" To temper things, Anne-Flore I reckons you explained the anicro-che ... so sorry ... "
-" No matter! "Despite
affability, Andrew, harassed by his own getaways on horseback with his cousin, he rejected this? ... Introduced to horse riding, thanks to his abilities, proud of "his" gifted student so lovely ... There, an alien who replaced him greedily embraced her shamelessly for his ecclesiastical status ... Anne-Flore intervened, peremptory, shattering the illusion :
- "Virgil is a specialist emeritus of the Third World that you should hir-expensive on the spot! "The person
dumbfounded, openly upset by the abruptness underlying:
- "Anne-Flore! What a horrible incongruity ... at full speed? "
In turn, Andre knew Virgil to reiterate an altered tone, as an aside:
-" You can not break with the memories: the traces of the secret passage that protected your parents during the Resistance and ... "
Virgil rushed image d'Epinal:
- "This is awesome, my father! Lots of memorable events advenus ... you show me, Anne-Flore ... "
-" Negative ! I do not care and do not even know where he stands! ... "
askew to the couple, Andre looked at the little room, Barcarolle-com giant that portraying her cousin ... Books upside down in corners, installation whimsical: sketches, signatures prestigious; mottling same zigzag walls, plush furniture Lilliputian and trinket somersaults ... dyeing a welfare that did not reach the people ... The connection seemed to as-whisk oceans prolix:
- "These little things ineffable and we infuse their poetry assails us ... Brown sugar candy eaten in secret ... The ancient chestnut privacy of our readings wildest ... The heady scents of lime, infused summer evenings, you breathed like to get drunk! The timeless beauty of a rose, in secret, in the dust of an attic ... Sheets scented with lavender ... "
To dry up the flood of emotions grotesque, Anne-Flore darted bluntly:
- Virgil knows my stay here, and the role of Miramont Dessessart during the war. "
-" She taught me that when your name started running newsrooms on the Prize "Model"! "
-" I I had to stop! "
-" You spend a further courtesy towards your cousin! "
-" So, by way of contrition, I will satisfy your appetite by revealing to you something that no other chronicler ... "The irritation
crispa face of Andrew, who turned pale, and his whole person-his job under the weight of a wrathful paralysis. He pleaded with acescence:
- "No, Anne-Flore! No! "
-" Father, we must emancipate Virgil: the Prize "Model" you have pocketed early in saving my life! "
-" Fantastic! What a sensational scoop! How ? ! Briefe me soon! ...! "
-" Anne-Flore! I forbid you! ... "Andre
no longer dominates his bitter frustration.
- "Décramponnez you! You can not excommunicate me! ... So my dear Virgil shows: during the war, one night, these horrific bombing ments we washed the head ... got down to his dedication, the future "Price Model" defied the altercation with Mr. Miramont Dessessart father. Renouncing the shelter in which everyone had taken refuge, braving the bombs, repairing amnesia father, he left me to my research and unearthed in the ... in a garden hermitage impracticable ... a sportsman and courageous man, modeled on youth doomed to Petain ... "Virgil
-" It was a terrible ... Testify for sure! "Andre was hoisted
- despite the pain that resulted. The tone was all the more so-firmed:
- "I do not authorize it! "
Anne-Flore do not perpetuated under his banter:
- Sonde this tragic and romantic! This tall young man lifting chivalrous in his athletic arms, the tiny bundle of joy, without relief, crumpled terror ... Sirens wailing, raging shelling, the family terrified .... "
Andrew wiped out, sighed
- "Digging it also annoyingly! "
-" memorable thing now, my father, Because your popularity! "Virgil often stood blandly.
His interlocutor was already at the door in a compact surly:
- "Under my plan, I believe this confidence, like a grimace to m'éconduire. Symbolizing
referees, Virgil intervened with a conciliatory politeness:
- "My father, his mischief does not certainly dates today! This delightful narrative de-boost all who praise you! .
showing much deference to the taking of Andrew and Anne-Flore in size simultaneously
- "My darling ... exculpate yourself ... "
-" Pass the sponge? What next! Before the authenticity, how Subo-Brown's father Miramont Dessessart acquires a dignity as caute-Leuse? "
-" Inspired by the humble Christian charity ... "
-" Too bad aunt Marie-Estelle stands in such a deficit ... "
-" Do not move the knife in the wound! "This time
Andrew slammed the door. Virgil, sheepishly:
- "If I expected! "
-" Yours to simmer in Castel Peyriac! "
-" Why irritate so much? "
-" He took the fly! "
-" Will I get an interview now? "
-" It appears that these patients are fickle. This will pass. "
Dinner appeared, however, very pleasant - without Mary-Estelle.
Solange, discreet, was confined to the menu. Among the smell of food and wine (which abstained André), Anne-Flore strove to be enthroned. The atmosphere Vou-milk is "family", decorated by a ceremonial "simple" ... full of ellipses.
Previously, Virgil Andrew besieged to dispel any misunderstanding with his diplomacy, he got even this "interview" official ". Besides, my Andre-tra remarkably eloquent. The little face spawn of Anne-Flore, translated his animosity when her cousin went to the library with Virgil. Himself tâ-Chait to coax, stating that the veering head-to-face not to risk inconveniencing Andrew. She resisted:
- "Yes, my lord and master! There doubtless some plate waiting for me to wash the Office! For males the preeminent works! "Andre slipped
-" Solange's not shy to put their hands in the dough. "His cousin
touched to the quick-evident that Anne-Flore did not equate. At Castel-Peyriac (as in the Hotel de Paris), his sister "was carrying out his duty": the di-rection of "chores" - if not their share! However, Anne-Flore, she bivouacked, conquering:
- "If you both league! . And left the game.
Thus, Anne-Flore became aware its casual attitude toward those who deme-naient "service" on which Solange reigned with so much vigilance prevent-concentrating. It seemed regulation for all that his sister chargeât continuously "government" at home. And, according to the protocol neck, aided by Eu-gene Firmin's alter ego Antoine Terrighi, stewards. Privilege: the men-tion their names. Her younger sister maintained she sufficiency, Aunt Marie-Estelle Miramont Dessessart, facing the "lackeys"? Their number, names and functions almost unknown, in contrast to Solange and Pascal who treated on almost equal footing. Descend to depths of mundane kitchens and other annexes mired in their dirt, like a decrement, antrum to necro-mance pollutants. Certainly, Anne-Flore Castel Peyriac admitted the "cronyism" with Honorine, their blue ribbon, who knew him heal some awkwardness in fashioning its enticing pastries. Felix, the driver, had much soul-décrochât be required before it's license. But Antony, Major-dome that had an eye on the entire household, what reward he re-picking? Gilles, the head gardener for much prettiness? Charlotte-back knows, with his assistants, cleaning so ungrateful up and down the "castle"? Leonard, head of exterior maintenance, so that the shoring pim-pants? Gauged it at its fair value adjustment, if booked at table, Sa-turnin, butler? ... What we poured praise to encourage them? Although recently hired, along with Solange they felt at home already! Anne-Flore triturated. The antithesis to award the apology "proletarian" the antithesis of this propensity lawful: the automatic backup (if not sup-port) without a modicum of interest in these "hominids . The sharp dichotomy tumbling. Materiality inevitable, the lack of curiosity for these creatures despite their vassal backup, beheaded the boastful and virtuous philippics armoring "the people" in his band "progressive"!
outset, Virgil anticipating formal adjustments, Andrew stepped back on the history of Anne-Flore. He was charged on the publication by his hostility with sovereignty and added unusual, suspicious, examining Virgil
- "... So, I rely on your loyalty to not betray me. "
-" Your confidence goes straight to my heart. However, warned on my inclination to Anne-Flore, lecturing my honesty seems summarily explé-tive. Especially as his pen subtle deserved my piston ... "
-" This is a crazy collision ... So she brushed you do anything .... "
He dared not "about me".
- "Sure, Pascal Solange and me have long cited relatives. Obviously, the maquis, with their father, they did not know much about the experience of cohabitation here ... "
The" cousin "dwells:
-" But this looks like a parabola ... Her first appearance! Slender thread-lette in deep mourning - her parents came to die ... shocking! ... You see for yourself: a little girl dressed in black! ... Touching ... And his tuberculosis ... "
-" Why did it all smothered? ... "
-" Awfully strange! Our concern ... I have cherished during his convalescence lon-gue ... I distracted ... prayers, entertainment, readings ... a little education ... How conniving! "...
Virgil was counting on more than enumerations. In vain. Stiffness Ravina face of Andre who catapulted to the Third World. Virgil was to expose his sugges-tions:
- "Since we can not noise abroad, I at least have an exclusive, in-depth report on the operation of your NGO. "
-" The Non Governmental Organization is not for me! What do you mean by that? "
-" Building something like a big ad campaign to collocate with our readers in both movements. In a first phase, clearing the land: they could refer you directly. We would provide you all the ad hoc secretariat, of course. In a second cycle, we would set a story there, in Africa. Anne-Flore travel there willingly. "
-" Anne-Flore? ! ! . The confusion seemed rude to Andre.
- "Of course! She is very experienced in spite of his head in the air. I see very well taking charge of this office that would receive inquiries and donations. "
-" We would pay the questions you would ask me, somehow? "Andrew found himself
not discern that the mean aspect - the word" pay "was not appropriate in Miramont Dessessart. But, faced with the fundraising, vital for the Third World, he complied and taught self-denial.
- "I assume that money, key to your small Africa, will increasingly default. "
-" You place, again, a possessive too! "Andrew retorted as fifth Glants his mother.
- "How? "
-" The money comes after. The most crucial for the future: to awaken the rich, contain this underestimation scatterbrained on the poorest of the planet. I am afraid you will lose patience and foresight: a work so long breath! "
-" Undoubtedly, we will convince your vocation in these arrests in our disturbing topical elected in certainties. "
-" Be careful! I also hold two tracks: beyond hunger undoubtedly urgent and horrifying images that arouse sympathy, logic reasoning for not yielding to a sensitive surface blere ... "
-" Do you suspect the informant? N'admonestent not they think? "
-" section has no meaning, we must raise awareness. "
-" incriminate you my skills as a journalist? "
-" I do not allow it! I just make sure. For there, they are not to be engulfed in the battle against the short term by the gratification or pride: see cash become well does not. Duration to establish an asceticism inspired, in advance, programs development thoughtful and experienced. "
-" Yet, it seems you've built an entire village with the early repairs. "
-" Because he needed to begin now, tearing everything to nothingness. Nothing will be "beneficial" - as you write - not the rehabilitation of African agriculture on a large scale. Obviously, this is amplified on the du-ration and training of local partners. Invariably it comes back to the Chinese sentence: "If your people eat, teach him to fish rather than give him fish. "
-" If the African farmer is unable to feed themselves, it is rather the result of co-colonialism: the latter does not bestowed with intelligence and his "gifts" as opposed to what he squawked, fell into the water ... "
- "Ah! You inoculate this dialectic including Anne-Flore got drenched! "
-" Would you believe The obtuse enough not to think for itself especially now? "
-" indisputable! Nevertheless, she disguises herself so much, is messes up ...! "
-" I attend a rebel, stubborn and jealous of her individuality - she makes no secret! Embellish even the sketches stressing it is courting ... "
-" Obviously, the girl I left ... divorce ... "
-" Oh! damn trivial impact, whatever the status of his ex, conductor Augustin Sorelles "
-" internationally renowned, and qualifies it does! "In turn
Andre speculated on more details? ... He was disappointed
- "Everyone can make mistakes when getting married so young. "
-" You analyze it so? "... Shortness of breath Andre necessitated a break, in which Virgil was patiently flourished. Then they began to plan their canvas - without finishing ...
Anne-Flore burst, his aggression intact:
"took Me only hunted for the Third World? . Andre wearily
"You have enough autocracy punctuated with our differences. And Virgil completed:
- "Why t'opposer this interview with father Miramont Dessessart? "
-" The Jesuit inquisitor does he unearthed no confession about our privacy? "
-" So many prejudices against your cousin! we ... "
-" I learned to be wary of black-capped rascals. "
-" Especially since they do not wear the cassock! "The spin
Andre was warped by the appearance of Pascal who let fly his arrow:
-" Here is your court of sycophants in full force, my dear! "
-" Oh you and your implied rustic! "
-" What a bad mood? "
-" I am afraid of being too ... , "Argued Andrew with probity. However, Pascal re-held with his customary eloquence:
- "No, no, for once we are all together! . Nevertheless Anne-Flore:
- "You regularly fails Solange who is now s'esquinter! "
Andrew could not help expose her cousin
-" Your feminism constantly on the alert. " Her brother, remained on the teasing:
- "Our queen of Parisian nightlife, died of boredom! "
-" These are not your boorishness that cheer me up! I hate the countryside and most of all Castel Peyriac! "
-" It saddens me swing! "Andre objected.
- "And as the Misanthrope, I hate hypocrisy. "Added she, irreverent yield invaluable. Pascal tried language brotherly
- "Poses for you in nymphette you imagine that the truth comes out only with your mouth heavenly. . Virgil claimed their union:
- "She loves to taunt the majority! . Andre would not be rejected:
- "As a child, D'Artagnan, Cyrano, and even Don Quixote his idols ... she is not Gascon for nothing! "
-" You've dreamed of these sagas swashbuckling! ... "Pascal
confiscated, incontinent, the prosopopoeia of Wilhelmina, mother of Anne-Flore:
-" A delicious Austrian syncretism and Bearn. "
Virgil leading to a huge table that sat in this room, the most harmonious of Castel Peyriac. Conversely to all who had suffered the ap-ports - may be more or less adequate - successive generations, the texture, style of Louis XVI, and its pastel shades of a smiling halo canvas. Wilhelmina Castel Peyriac portrayed and sung by Raoul Dufy: finesse - probably in line with his model. As for the husband's contacts with the famous painter ...
- "Have you noticed the resemblance to Anne-Flore? Wilhelmina reached such sublime "Berenice" my father that intimal painted in the costume. "
- "Which way! Living and staring at the blue line if Trucmuch outdated! "
-" On the contrary, "said Virgil, a vein, for me to know you better! Whenever I went on the subject I collided with a deliberate silence. Not So-ture, I would not know anything ... "
-" There is nothing to unpack. I have not had a childhood. "
-" How? ! . Andre total amazement.
- "I did nothing reported, Virgil? Well acheminons us! ! I'll tell a good one! ... Subsequently a bitter break, respected by his audience
- I was born in these years pernicious: the advent of Hitler. Mon-freak parents natique monopolized, one by his public career, the other by his theater. Blaming one's parents and their psychology seems devoid of feeling? Allegation undoubtedly subjective. Yet, quite often, I felt a foretaste branquignol: transparent in their eyes - like those bums in the street, carefully covering it for fear of contagion. . No-Cal could not contain himself: - "Anne-Flore! You embroider the time! T'ado-father would! . Without realizing it, she said pointedly:
- "Little girl, when I was a big cockroach, my father, to comfort me ... spoil me, me "comfort" .. the basic meaning "to make stronger! ... My father did m'allouait else refrain that "Do you want me to buy something? "... A spoiled child, of course! Notwithstanding the book che-tion, was I "the" little girl adored my father? His "little girl"? My "tender age" where is he? "Why do they scamper hugs? Not even through a diminutive "Chou," " Herbie! "" Beloved "Cherinet" ...
As she set the impact of his column, each issued its reflection:
Virgil: "My love! my seductive! ... "
Andrew:" Anne-Flore! Rejects this nightmare ... The malicious you! "
Pascal:" It is impossible that father ... And Wilhelmina, who died in my arms ... his last thoughts for you! ... Anne-Flore continued unperturbed:
- "The adjournment, the star of a walk in the Parc Monceau ... adjacent to the fountain, a je ne sais quoi, something unspeakable happened: an omen that symptomatic ... "
Gradually, his voice inflections of the opera girl ...
-" ... Something preposterous, of psychotonic: diligent adults around a child! What am I a child? A wheelchair! inside, curled a microbe. Yes, a cripple .. but a being in itself! But if laughing, softly to the angels! Outrageous! Outrageous! Baient my eyes, ecstatic: Parents and children playing together! inconceivable in my case! ... Despite his paralysis, this child existed, he, far from serving poti-che! . Anne-Flore continued after a stop oppressive. The three men gasping, clinging to his lips
- "a long time I bobbed, pick one's food in my head ... me enjoy the benefits of such a handicap! I'd much pampered? This represented a situation antithetical to my relegation doomed to isolation. The guests that filled the daily traditional Parisian hotel am voted: Uni-germ that their fondness! It would move beyond mimicry of a wave or tap my cheeks - as it flatters a dog. I dictate these baa-researchers, thanks to my invalid chair, stealing the show from my mother in her para-Dait ottomans and illustrious paternal pleas. "
suspended, suddenly, the dark confession ... she entered their responses, or did she need to tone up? Virgil tried in vain to clasp:
- "My love, come back to you and laugh all this phantasmagoria! "Andre
-" Anne-Flore! I beg you, do not be upset by these nightmares! "
As for Pascal, he stumbled while net ruffled by the inadmissible:
-" Nonsense! This is strictly insane! ... "
suddenly shaken by a rebellious hilarity, tacking with pugnacity a cabo-chard, she gambols of one to another to send them his epilogue, like a bellows:
- "Why do you stare so? Am I crazy? A game! It was only a game! ! Do you choose the game of love and chance, or death and sard-ha? Unless this is the great game of fortune-teller? And if I played my trump card? There are the games scene, faces, lights and of course the great fountains at Versailles. Brief, and, above all, the "I" Supreme "me" so hateful! . This maelstrom
stringy and garrulous diminish no telescoping ...
Virgil sank take playfulness: "You bluffing, is not it? "
Pascal became angry:" Even as a joke, it is dishonest to discredit these progenitors as heroic! "
-" You're not the heir of their sectarian memory! "Andre
priest responds:" Cultivating fun too unhealthy ... "
-" And Cruel! "Adds Pascal. Anne-Flore
made his bow, with panache, taking Virgil's arm close to his show: "Come, gentlemen are sealed with black humor. "The arrival
Solange hurriedly closed the chapter, all without having con-tees, settled on about the party ....
For head-to-head, Anne-Flore led Virgil in the library. Despite its attraction rather economical for playback (so called because of his eyes), she appreciated it. Lined with volumes - some very old ... it seemed so huge, little girl ... At each end, two elegant spiral staircases to access the gallery around the perimeter, almost as large as the ballroom. Impressive reading room, old mansions, Solange and her companion, Arthur Beley, used incessantly, a resource, if required: open multiple books at a time, laying them across without being crippled by a mess ... how unwelcome that Solange had a certain propensity to "forget" storage (only arguments with Arthur Beley). A torpid
mutism established. Virgil circled by listening room. Anne-Flore applied to disguise any commotion in his heart to work, to the annoyance obvious. He eventually determine:
- "My dear, I assure you, you were apocalyptic at times! This appearance execrable destabilized me! "
-" Okay, I may be forced dose ...! In fact, I Ponder this: I have probably pro-read or see this fiction somewhere. "
-" Fair or apocryphal, me, you've undermined! You drain me on the Brewer family environment also darkened, you usually uncomplicated, without drawing the least-DRE! "
-" Maybe your landing in this house, he stirs up appearances: the past and the present farandolent around me! "And Anne-Flore
danced a waltz no ... While inspecting the matching Vigil-ment:" Indefinable this influx of friends in a nice atmosphere, sym-pa, yet convoluted, trimbalée dusk, between ugliness and jovial-ity: where lies the outspoken as deemed? "
Anne-Flore on a dismal tone, half-comic, half tragic
-" The dead jugulent the fearless living. "
-" It is true that we are overwhelmed by the secular widgets! "Imitating
a guide, Anne-Flore showed him piously showcases handcrafted by Solange. They contained the letters of legendary characters for Frederic Castel Peyriac: Andre Gide, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Jean Renoir Pi-Casso, Max Dormoy, Simone Weil, Marie Bonaparte ...
- "True endless inventory! "Virgil recorded supplementing:
-" This collection would be at least an editorial! "
She pointed at a small storefront ornate:
-" Hey! Letters of Pierre Richard-Willm: the great love Solange! Voi this black ribbon and the majestic Cross my grandmother English ... The very people who forced me to accompany him, despite my age, to choose the coffin of my parents ... Incredible! Sample the respective qualities of any timber of any silk cushion in order to enclose the "dear spoils" - the luxury! So my nights are gorged they dance macabre! "Virgil
surrounded him," Anne-Flore, darling, dismisses these spectra - without detour! "
-" Cows Cute cemeteries in the moonlight - no? From a romantic frenzy! Like a witch, I sniff my own corpse in radiography, and soon it will move in me like a child who moves into the belly of a pregnant woman. Hilarious! "
-" You add the morbid perversion as e sex appeal! "
Anne-Flore, captured by gymnastics archaeological stopped before a book out of his row, Virgil, fastest, robbed him and read aloud the inscription:
"A kiss, but, after all, what?
"An oath is a little closer, a promise
" The more precise an avowal claiming confirmation,
"A pink dot you put on the" i "of the verb to love. . "Athos Andre 1949". Anomalous
interval ... How to react, while she watched?
- "This is a projection chirpy! The folk fair cousin! "
-" We were kids - zieuter date. In our little universe ... do you travel account Snow Goose: erect a statue in the Athos! "
-" The most perfect and most noble in the "Three Musketeers"! "
-" Andrew was destined for the priesthood. "
-" Father Miramont Dessessart do not spread unless a damn attitude "guardian" against you ... "
-" And you take seriously the ramblings of a frustrated child who ponders his dreams? Under the pretext that my parents have passed away in my little child-hood, everybody wants to replace them! "
-" I do not claim any evidence ... "
-" We promised the debt on future adventures - not on our biography. At Castel-Peyriac not fair for me, you will detail Solange miles trifles ... "
-" Solange? Impossible! A grave with you on - this is prover-bial! Your sensitivity vanishes, Anne-Flore! The lined with Dimitri Dikoff at-you should have been kept up to speed on what the emigrant endured the most comfortable-ment moved t'indiffère ... it does? "
-" Are you trying to teach my trial? "
-" We finish the intermission! Do not you stumble on the soaking unpacked without grumbling? "
-" Rejoice ! Glimpse of all these oddities internal argumentative if expensive detective! In petto, I evaluate, with applause, your trouble in the arcane Castel Peyriac! "
-" Too evaporated, seeing no further than the tip of your nose pygmy. Women's intuition does not t'alerte: the crack widens gradually between us ... for me ... shocking ... a bit of widowhood ... "
-" While vaccinated now, you have to fire these elections do not miss! More precisely, do not repeat the same blunder: chasing a pianist when Paris bristled barricade - a flop is enough! "
-" Like a mutt sacrificed to your crush, ratifying your antics ... "
-" My dear, a professional in your class should know how to resist my puny fireworks! "
-" Anne-Flore! You overload the boat! Committed ... "
-" I did not ask, aunt Marie-Estelle ... "
-" congruent! I fight with her, after having been twisted candlestick béjaune Romanian! "
-" You want to return to Paris without me? Recognize, at least lucid, our mess, leaving us both caught in this damned strike transport. "
-" Okay! Moreover, in light of conversations with Solange and Pascal pull myself together. Truly amazing type your brother! Every time I see him is like an old friend who galvanizes me ... One day he will persuade him to record ... "
-" Arduous! If you come in at the end, it held prodigy! "
-" In short, Pascal has been great: it gave me a place in a car bound for the capital ... tomorrow ... "
-" Here we go! "
-" A little indulgence, calculated humiliation aunt ... "
-" Self, no, this plum? ! All costs, you retract continuously harness SS! In addition, she palpated the double blow by adding the length of the strong-arm scion priest! "
-" Do not laugh. Our miscreant brother himself making openness of Andrew. Without hesitation, we care about his health. This pale and prematurely aged pre-threaded ... more deplorable: the acceptance of a disability that breaks all his projects. "
-" Lack more than the camellia! ! .
Solange heartbroken tenderness, observed:
- "New cynicism! "
-" Attendance newsrooms. "
-" Once both of you agree with jolly! . Anne-Flore dodged the arms of his sister who tended to it ...
- "In a previous life! The pity is the tease group and contorted his character should not get better! "
-" You see, you know him well! ... and you're not wrong! . Anne-Flore
gagged turbulence which overflowed his brain. To "limit the damage," she rid ...
paragraph - "Good! Do not squander more time to rattle a priest! Provided that no-cal after Virgil distracted our balancing act in this shipwreck variegated: pinnacle reliefs of a story not altogether atypical for cross swords with Aunt Marie-Estelle; and, above all, the fiasco: damn miss "events of Paris."
- "Oh! Virgil was inspiring! "
-" Slash-esteem is no less vivid! Damn fumasse: miss any block! Your stories Resistance me back to my own guts and I missed everything today - nay! - Wholly unfit to be acquired my area, the rendezvous of history! I n'ébauche that déconfitu-res ... "
-" My darling! Calm down! I hate this mess! "
-" While console me in telling me, verbatim, all the ingredients and the same perks. "
-" In extenso? as you go! Exactly the most laborious and antithetical to the succession of phases: one does not know how to handle these spi-eral random poorly built. "
- "Come, do not grumble, it upsets your caliber! "
- Notes that your disappointment is all the more defensible. Insoluble! Transformed into intelligible sentences this outbreak seething, unbridled, freedom spawning with mischief; ideology turned into fair. Debates uninterrupted-pus in the overcrowded lecture halls, on the verge of explosion - A true "ship of fools!
- "Yes, but what a devastating fire on the sets of the Odeon or the Sorbonne! "
-" We have patrolled, walked in at the most extravagant: I see this waiter who rushed into a Catiline Orations for the first time in his life before this audience big mouth. He realized his problems literally "plebeians" and took conscientious As he ba-searching. In a breathless silence, he joined his inanity: tears in eyes, radiating audacity to support the general euphoria ! Almost numb hearing this unforgettable! "
-" Splendid! . The mask
desperate Anne-Flore detuning the exclamation, Solange, sat down beside her and took her hand
- "You know, you must learn to plan distances. One can feel: the string-they generate something positive? Arthur and I are preparing for a review to clear up some broad guidelines. Despite the apparent de-messiness, small groups worked night and day to provide a rational framework for all these harangues disheveled. I sat with one of them. You Upgrade to Formatting help us. "
- "Is it conceivable without participation or deliberation? Oh, my Solange eternally great! I will finally join the Revolution! ! "
-" Still, you'll never stop you from moving to extremes, my dear! Do not worry, there is no nepotism. We need the trained eye of a journalist day - outside expertise. "
- "Outside! That's the word! "
-" You will read our notes and we will discuss together. I rely on you to challenge us. "
- "But spontaneity? "
-" You will oversee the films. We need a cool head chaperone for writing. "
- "I, realigned and immediately useful - really? ... "All this
rang false to the ears of Anne-Flore, but Solange does not seem to perceive it. Aware of the delicacy required for such a composition, his sister could not see a zeal comforting ... Suddenly, here at Castel Peyriac in the breezes so old that "corn" so long ago prophesied Anne-Flore : journalism does not he give him a taste of writing? Solange continued its abstraction:
- "Besides, it will correspond to an unprecedented exploration to your new ME-tier. Here he reassures me: you have finally thrown the shackles of the piano. "
- "straitjacket, right! My ex-husband and bandleader, Augustine Sorelles, fenced in vain to communicate to me his passion about my talent as an instrumentalist! "
-" What dost thou were trapped as in a burrow. "
- "To survive in prison atmosphere during the war."
- "Andrew, in his own way, has protected you ... "
-" In the camp bigot and collaboration? "
-" My darling! ... At the center of hostility ... "
Unpack with outspoken what Anne-Flore Castel Peyriac brooding? In the joy of liberation ... Solange Castel Peyriac suspected she?
- "The" enmity! . Always angelic! I sniffed at what point I was you-see, ratiboisé, with upturned, in summary illegal - what a crap! "
-" You always dramatize! "
-" Oh yeah? unabated, according to my aunt déblatérait freckles: my so-called traits I do not akin to the family and list the rest! ... "
-" Allusion to your mother, Wilhelmina, Austrian-born ... "
-" In point of m'étiqueter as a 'metic'? . Solange too good for finger ... "
-" Aunt Mary Estelle esteemed your mother Letitia. Yet she has not had to go much this little Corsican and nice name - I guess that did open to the Vatican Catholic mafia! "
-" In any case they failed to convert you! "
hired her sister Solange to rise:
-" dissect something else! ... Let me appraise your new Silhouette: Hum! A whimsical and sophisticated ... nothing lovely! .
- "You're not objective! "
-" Virgil leading gallant very loving! "
-" Chiqui or not, myself, my perspective is independence! "
-" Motherhood ... "
-" Here we go! People that you cherish you enjoin them in accordance dynamism macho! the mode of childbirth! the stars themselves, show off their offspring with their sex appeal! You, a feminist you faint and lowers us to a uterus! . How
confess to a sister also helpful with this fantasy Anne-Flore Castel Peyriac knew hallucinatory dream interpret factual ba-nal? When she was hitting some vagissante stroller, stubborn tree, (as if there were grounds for a claim to put down as all living), she was caught by an impulse disgrace: to crush his cigarette into the bulging eyes of infants brawlers ... For it launder she attributed to vision atrocious: the graveyard scene in "Hamlet" (Shakespeare):
- "... The skull contained a language and could sing once. As this odd encounters the earth! As if it's jaw Cain, who made the first mur-be! That this donkey was crushed and maybe the noggin of a statesman who thought he could circumvent God! Why not? ... "
examples of captures buttoned pessimistic, guilt visceral overthrow it a peck she regretted immediately:
-" You yourself you have not had! "
nose up its momentum of protest, she restrained herself quickly. Reached his impetuosity, invariably, a steadfast affection she abused. Innate loyalty despite the lack of Solange in the war.
This return to Castel Peyriac some disoriented little Anne-Flore: wrinkles of her sister - she who s'encartait in beauty salons, to face the Cape fati-Dique: 40 years!
... "They were long dead
" But knew themselves to punishment. " H. Heine "The Lorelei"
Solange Castel Peyriac emanated already an appearance of amiable old lady naturally distinguished but no primer. Indifferent to the "graying" of the bou-cles, shapeless, his face crumbled on a pole lines Venustic anonymous. Attentive to the coquetry of her younger sister, herself seemed to have already endorsed his ilk as " old plow "... A fluctuation silky united the manners of lascivious her cat," Hermes ", nestled in her lap. Vigorous and wild "British shorthair, black and white, which did not allow himself fondling by his mistress. The exquisite indolence of a Renoir ... Another image was eclipsed by the sour-dine in Paris: the sweet Solange qu'enroulait its carousel cat ... suggesting:
"A cat is a bit of silence goes by"
Anne-Flore compensated by its plush, following the various failures on the domestication of animals ... So many tribulations depreciated! ... But these veins become more prominent and speckle that hatch by hand through the hair of the beast ... As a sign of forgiveness, Anne-Flore grabbed his hand. Her sister bonded without seeming affected:
- "While in Corsica, children are adored! Invariably, in families "old girl" pamper them in her arms all day long - which made them fickle! Thus, Pascal and I have we enjoyed this predilection. Laetitia, our mother, sacrificed to give us life and almost revered as a saint, she has perhaps erasing the traditional "my instinct-rd" ... this desire has not operated. Nevertheless, I have a companion, Arthur, vi-gilant. Happiness in solitude requires a balance ... "
-" What happiness? "
-" My darling! What does this mean? Tell me ... "A bomb exploded
Pascal emerges, shouting
-" De Gaulle has made a statement on the radio: the National Assembly is dissolved and a Gaullist demonstration is planned on the Champs-Elysees! "
They rushed to the parlor where there was television. Anne-Flore went to his room rushed her radio, providing a substantial direct.
Castel Peyriac, diving in the radio report on the manifestation of the Gaullist May 30, 1968, did not hear the knock at his door-be-open. Andre Miramont Dessessart advanced stealth and whispered
- "Anne-Flore! .
She sensed nothing, surly, indignant, aloud:
- "Everything is done for, the revival of revolution-cons! What a shower! ! "Andre
called again. Always deaf, pointing back to his transistor, the monologue:
- "Here! This historical episode ... passed under the nose! .
He had planted himself before her
- "Anne-Flore, my little sister! It's me, Andrew! "
-" My father! ... You tumble over me like smallpox on the lower clergy Breton! .
He was answered without flinching. Andrew, always master of himself (despite the emotion) chose to ignore the mud of the provocation ... unseated, he stammered:
- "Why vous? "
-" I praise your reputation! "... And Anne-Flore increased the sound of the radio.
- "To me, you'll be for eternity, this adorable little girl, dressed entirely in black breakaway ... Paradise ... "
-" Time sprayed these kinks moldy. "
-" see you again at Castel Peyriac abolishes any stage or size! ... Rap-up shovel "Cyrano": "I'm just a shadow, and a clarity you! "...
-" What? ! ... Sorry, I do not decrypt your toast! ... "
Anne-Flore, taken aback, however, cast an eye on the sly. Comparing this to the young man ethic strong and graceful at once guessed it, time to-be, in a ghostly haze - despite his efforts to cauterize. The voice which seemed designed to sing the Mass, extended ... in fingering his litany:
- "... one roof ... tumultuous days if ... which mingle so beautiful ... "
He was obliged to stop; dyspnea interrupted effusion. He sat down - a rare thing - without seeking permission.
- "Ah! ... Too shaken to fetch my formulas! "After this short stay
Andre notified his frustration vis-à-vis this rude obstinacy:
-" Please, turn that radio! "...
Anne-Flore, taken aback, was executed with an automatic mute, but Rembar-ra, convinced that a thousand leagues dissociated:
- "virgin whore, my father! a prelate dud vapor shopgirls ... "Far from
seem offended, he insisted:
-" Infidelity is not in my nature ... "
-" Damn sticky indeed! "
-" In which case ... you ... "
-" Are we still merdoyer in tragedy for non-attendance at Price "Model"? "
-" For over a year since my return from Africa, I wanted to see you, at least in our family reunions ... "
- "The surprise parties débectent me. "
-" So you erase the past the stroke of a pen! ! ... "First
bomb, Anne-Flore himself:
-" Forget it! You torpedoes mails about events far more serious. Unconscious in an uprising broke his fury, you and your require our capitulation to the implications ... "
-" What? "
-" A real riot, my father, not a monomial students! While you cloud hovering over your honor, everything has moved down here. Despite the failure plau-sible in elections the emblem of this innovative dawn spread its power prescient: capitalism triumphant, obscurantist and former San Sulpician worse! "
-" Selfish, these circumstances have allowed me t'intercepter flight. "
-" A Christian as insensitive to the police repression was hitting blindly, even loafers, m'éberlue! "
-" I know these rumors ... a little crazy ... "
-" No rumors, real beating! But for you a "leftist" more or less! ... "
Andrew, out of strength:
-" Anne-Flore, I'll please! ... I find it exceedingly difficult for so many years tells me that you Catiline Orations an activist ... "
-" Turn back the future as your father has denied his country? "
-" Oh, it is easy to hide behind the hottest news! A storm-doniste hey. Anarchic, rather than acceleration of history. I have in-core enough hearing to hear this joke workers cleared the stu-dents from indoctrinating them to their factory: "So son of a bourgeois would they suddenly become revolutionaries? "
axiom, which spurred Anne-Flore, raising his patience
- "You vasouillez, my father, giving you the glove to defend your enemies middle class! Despite appearances, the people finally triumph in holding on to that bloody re-word and his omnipotence. Your monopoly is tor-ket. This time we do allow more compile, even if the government believes it is enough to scare ... swear! "
-" You do not lock myself up in this political debate - especially with the vo-cabulaire! "
-" The Price "Model" you compromise to the hilt! Sartre, himself, refused the No-bel. "
-" Luxury inoperative for the crowd of hungry I help: where I come from, secured by the search for daily bread ... "
-" Who is to blame, if not for American imperialism - a tautology! "
-" You're going too far, again without interruption in the dark! "
-" Who keeps the Third World status of serf for not balking against the tyrants that you support, like the good old days of colonialism? "
-" Your slogans are diametrically opposite direction to new ways to bail the Third World. A countdown of your stereotypes, they respect his liberty. Moreover, it is a spiritual problem: the poor evangelize us by their very existence! no conversion without sharing. Fran chi weakening of malnutrition, the man stands up ... "
-" Your preaching charity is a sham for ac-despotic abuses carried out in these nations with so-called need your help. Currently, the proletariat would strut. He grabs, finally, his destiny to remove dictators, bless your pope. See Che Guevara and Castro's armed struggle is only effective! Me, I live by them with the true internationalist solidarity with cabana home! "Andre
-" My God! You, so tenderly feminine in violence! "Blessed are the articles without peace! "Jesus said.
- "Yeah! "Pax Americana"! It is you who hate you because they ef-spawn! ... Really, no need to prolong the sauce with harems as ru-pine! "
Anne-Flore preferred to dislodge a dialogue to break sterile ...
As she was moving toward the door, Andrew cried in a voice scratched:
- "No! No! Anne-Flore rest! "In the deportations carried
Andre said to her, his cane fell. She re-alisa, in a second, his inability to get physical and she picked herself. To submit, it came close. The brilliance of those eyes green water, clear and gazed with blazing intensity. Far from the fallen man, built like a Giacometti, the figure resplendent and proud of the past: look of the royal bird of prey, almost disembodied profile in its pub-purity ... The only abnormality, this small birthmark on the tip of ear who raps milk his uncle, Bishop Miramont Dessessart. Remanence mysterious, strange today who brushed to listen with more concentration. Yet the focus of Andrew sounded like a plea:
- "Anne-Flore ... know it ... ... I am your severity flawless regenerates against the coarse pity ... I'm surrounded by my alleged impo-tence ... Above all, I implore you, promise me never to judge ... a small indulgence ... ! .
She apprehended the unbearable pity ...
minute - "Do not put martel in mind for things I did not even occur. "
-" You persist in the "International "To implement its orders," the past let us clean slate! ? "
-" When the insurgency ... "
-" Does this mean it to atrophy his soul? ... "
-" You serine flecks of idle ... "
Phew! Relieved, she recognized the footsteps of Virgil. Rushing, she snuggled into his arms with joy. Himself seemed to overflow with joy
- "Anne-Flore, darling, I'll m'enticher Castel-Peyriac! Bou-quet this sense! I picked for you, my love! C'est extra! indeed your brother knows all the plants! We just nab a thrilling ride and I regret that you did not enjoy this place! The horses here are a few magnificent! She adopted the same playful tone to suppress his cousin
- "What professionalism! You're drunk at the Gascon flora to better de-paint your readers! "Freed from this distressing
head-to-head, she blessed Virgil Pascal for inviting a tantalizing trip in spite of the barricades ... These trifles would defeat lightness, much to his taste against the cousin and his emphatic verb.
- "Walk-haste and carelessness with Pascal! A series of articles why not? The beautiful Gascony that I devour through you! "All
enthusiasm, entering the room, Virgil did not take care Andrew. He nearly upset when the latter came out, it came pre-vehemently
- "Father Miramont Dessessart ... I am unforgivable! ... please ... why did you leave us ... How fortunate you say, finally, all my admiration! "
-" Please, do me! "...
-" To temper things, Anne-Flore I reckons you explained the anicro-che ... so sorry ... "
-" No matter! "Despite
affability, Andrew, harassed by his own getaways on horseback with his cousin, he rejected this? ... Introduced to horse riding, thanks to his abilities, proud of "his" gifted student so lovely ... There, an alien who replaced him greedily embraced her shamelessly for his ecclesiastical status ... Anne-Flore intervened, peremptory, shattering the illusion :
- "Virgil is a specialist emeritus of the Third World that you should hir-expensive on the spot! "The person
dumbfounded, openly upset by the abruptness underlying:
- "Anne-Flore! What a horrible incongruity ... at full speed? "
In turn, Andre knew Virgil to reiterate an altered tone, as an aside:
-" You can not break with the memories: the traces of the secret passage that protected your parents during the Resistance and ... "
Virgil rushed image d'Epinal:
- "This is awesome, my father! Lots of memorable events advenus ... you show me, Anne-Flore ... "
-" Negative ! I do not care and do not even know where he stands! ... "
askew to the couple, Andre looked at the little room, Barcarolle-com giant that portraying her cousin ... Books upside down in corners, installation whimsical: sketches, signatures prestigious; mottling same zigzag walls, plush furniture Lilliputian and trinket somersaults ... dyeing a welfare that did not reach the people ... The connection seemed to as-whisk oceans prolix:
- "These little things ineffable and we infuse their poetry assails us ... Brown sugar candy eaten in secret ... The ancient chestnut privacy of our readings wildest ... The heady scents of lime, infused summer evenings, you breathed like to get drunk! The timeless beauty of a rose, in secret, in the dust of an attic ... Sheets scented with lavender ... "
To dry up the flood of emotions grotesque, Anne-Flore darted bluntly:
- Virgil knows my stay here, and the role of Miramont Dessessart during the war. "
-" She taught me that when your name started running newsrooms on the Prize "Model"! "
-" I I had to stop! "
-" You spend a further courtesy towards your cousin! "
-" So, by way of contrition, I will satisfy your appetite by revealing to you something that no other chronicler ... "The irritation
crispa face of Andrew, who turned pale, and his whole person-his job under the weight of a wrathful paralysis. He pleaded with acescence:
- "No, Anne-Flore! No! "
-" Father, we must emancipate Virgil: the Prize "Model" you have pocketed early in saving my life! "
-" Fantastic! What a sensational scoop! How ? ! Briefe me soon! ...! "
-" Anne-Flore! I forbid you! ... "Andre
no longer dominates his bitter frustration.
- "Décramponnez you! You can not excommunicate me! ... So my dear Virgil shows: during the war, one night, these horrific bombing ments we washed the head ... got down to his dedication, the future "Price Model" defied the altercation with Mr. Miramont Dessessart father. Renouncing the shelter in which everyone had taken refuge, braving the bombs, repairing amnesia father, he left me to my research and unearthed in the ... in a garden hermitage impracticable ... a sportsman and courageous man, modeled on youth doomed to Petain ... "Virgil
-" It was a terrible ... Testify for sure! "Andre was hoisted
- despite the pain that resulted. The tone was all the more so-firmed:
- "I do not authorize it! "
Anne-Flore do not perpetuated under his banter:
- Sonde this tragic and romantic! This tall young man lifting chivalrous in his athletic arms, the tiny bundle of joy, without relief, crumpled terror ... Sirens wailing, raging shelling, the family terrified .... "
Andrew wiped out, sighed
- "Digging it also annoyingly! "
-" memorable thing now, my father, Because your popularity! "Virgil often stood blandly.
His interlocutor was already at the door in a compact surly:
- "Under my plan, I believe this confidence, like a grimace to m'éconduire. Symbolizing
referees, Virgil intervened with a conciliatory politeness:
- "My father, his mischief does not certainly dates today! This delightful narrative de-boost all who praise you! .
showing much deference to the taking of Andrew and Anne-Flore in size simultaneously
- "My darling ... exculpate yourself ... "
-" Pass the sponge? What next! Before the authenticity, how Subo-Brown's father Miramont Dessessart acquires a dignity as caute-Leuse? "
-" Inspired by the humble Christian charity ... "
-" Too bad aunt Marie-Estelle stands in such a deficit ... "
-" Do not move the knife in the wound! "This time
Andrew slammed the door. Virgil, sheepishly:
- "If I expected! "
-" Yours to simmer in Castel Peyriac! "
-" Why irritate so much? "
-" He took the fly! "
-" Will I get an interview now? "
-" It appears that these patients are fickle. This will pass. "
Dinner appeared, however, very pleasant - without Mary-Estelle.
Solange, discreet, was confined to the menu. Among the smell of food and wine (which abstained André), Anne-Flore strove to be enthroned. The atmosphere Vou-milk is "family", decorated by a ceremonial "simple" ... full of ellipses.
Previously, Virgil Andrew besieged to dispel any misunderstanding with his diplomacy, he got even this "interview" official ". Besides, my Andre-tra remarkably eloquent. The little face spawn of Anne-Flore, translated his animosity when her cousin went to the library with Virgil. Himself tâ-Chait to coax, stating that the veering head-to-face not to risk inconveniencing Andrew. She resisted:
- "Yes, my lord and master! There doubtless some plate waiting for me to wash the Office! For males the preeminent works! "Andre slipped
-" Solange's not shy to put their hands in the dough. "His cousin
touched to the quick-evident that Anne-Flore did not equate. At Castel-Peyriac (as in the Hotel de Paris), his sister "was carrying out his duty": the di-rection of "chores" - if not their share! However, Anne-Flore, she bivouacked, conquering:
- "If you both league! . And left the game.
Thus, Anne-Flore became aware its casual attitude toward those who deme-naient "service" on which Solange reigned with so much vigilance prevent-concentrating. It seemed regulation for all that his sister chargeât continuously "government" at home. And, according to the protocol neck, aided by Eu-gene Firmin's alter ego Antoine Terrighi, stewards. Privilege: the men-tion their names. Her younger sister maintained she sufficiency, Aunt Marie-Estelle Miramont Dessessart, facing the "lackeys"? Their number, names and functions almost unknown, in contrast to Solange and Pascal who treated on almost equal footing. Descend to depths of mundane kitchens and other annexes mired in their dirt, like a decrement, antrum to necro-mance pollutants. Certainly, Anne-Flore Castel Peyriac admitted the "cronyism" with Honorine, their blue ribbon, who knew him heal some awkwardness in fashioning its enticing pastries. Felix, the driver, had much soul-décrochât be required before it's license. But Antony, Major-dome that had an eye on the entire household, what reward he re-picking? Gilles, the head gardener for much prettiness? Charlotte-back knows, with his assistants, cleaning so ungrateful up and down the "castle"? Leonard, head of exterior maintenance, so that the shoring pim-pants? Gauged it at its fair value adjustment, if booked at table, Sa-turnin, butler? ... What we poured praise to encourage them? Although recently hired, along with Solange they felt at home already! Anne-Flore triturated. The antithesis to award the apology "proletarian" the antithesis of this propensity lawful: the automatic backup (if not sup-port) without a modicum of interest in these "hominids . The sharp dichotomy tumbling. Materiality inevitable, the lack of curiosity for these creatures despite their vassal backup, beheaded the boastful and virtuous philippics armoring "the people" in his band "progressive"!
outset, Virgil anticipating formal adjustments, Andrew stepped back on the history of Anne-Flore. He was charged on the publication by his hostility with sovereignty and added unusual, suspicious, examining Virgil
- "... So, I rely on your loyalty to not betray me. "
-" Your confidence goes straight to my heart. However, warned on my inclination to Anne-Flore, lecturing my honesty seems summarily explé-tive. Especially as his pen subtle deserved my piston ... "
-" This is a crazy collision ... So she brushed you do anything .... "
He dared not "about me".
- "Sure, Pascal Solange and me have long cited relatives. Obviously, the maquis, with their father, they did not know much about the experience of cohabitation here ... "
The" cousin "dwells:
-" But this looks like a parabola ... Her first appearance! Slender thread-lette in deep mourning - her parents came to die ... shocking! ... You see for yourself: a little girl dressed in black! ... Touching ... And his tuberculosis ... "
-" Why did it all smothered? ... "
-" Awfully strange! Our concern ... I have cherished during his convalescence lon-gue ... I distracted ... prayers, entertainment, readings ... a little education ... How conniving! "...
Virgil was counting on more than enumerations. In vain. Stiffness Ravina face of Andre who catapulted to the Third World. Virgil was to expose his sugges-tions:
- "Since we can not noise abroad, I at least have an exclusive, in-depth report on the operation of your NGO. "
-" The Non Governmental Organization is not for me! What do you mean by that? "
-" Building something like a big ad campaign to collocate with our readers in both movements. In a first phase, clearing the land: they could refer you directly. We would provide you all the ad hoc secretariat, of course. In a second cycle, we would set a story there, in Africa. Anne-Flore travel there willingly. "
-" Anne-Flore? ! ! . The confusion seemed rude to Andre.
- "Of course! She is very experienced in spite of his head in the air. I see very well taking charge of this office that would receive inquiries and donations. "
-" We would pay the questions you would ask me, somehow? "Andrew found himself
not discern that the mean aspect - the word" pay "was not appropriate in Miramont Dessessart. But, faced with the fundraising, vital for the Third World, he complied and taught self-denial.
- "I assume that money, key to your small Africa, will increasingly default. "
-" You place, again, a possessive too! "Andrew retorted as fifth Glants his mother.
- "How? "
-" The money comes after. The most crucial for the future: to awaken the rich, contain this underestimation scatterbrained on the poorest of the planet. I am afraid you will lose patience and foresight: a work so long breath! "
-" Undoubtedly, we will convince your vocation in these arrests in our disturbing topical elected in certainties. "
-" Be careful! I also hold two tracks: beyond hunger undoubtedly urgent and horrifying images that arouse sympathy, logic reasoning for not yielding to a sensitive surface blere ... "
-" Do you suspect the informant? N'admonestent not they think? "
-" section has no meaning, we must raise awareness. "
-" incriminate you my skills as a journalist? "
-" I do not allow it! I just make sure. For there, they are not to be engulfed in the battle against the short term by the gratification or pride: see cash become well does not. Duration to establish an asceticism inspired, in advance, programs development thoughtful and experienced. "
-" Yet, it seems you've built an entire village with the early repairs. "
-" Because he needed to begin now, tearing everything to nothingness. Nothing will be "beneficial" - as you write - not the rehabilitation of African agriculture on a large scale. Obviously, this is amplified on the du-ration and training of local partners. Invariably it comes back to the Chinese sentence: "If your people eat, teach him to fish rather than give him fish. "
-" If the African farmer is unable to feed themselves, it is rather the result of co-colonialism: the latter does not bestowed with intelligence and his "gifts" as opposed to what he squawked, fell into the water ... "
- "Ah! You inoculate this dialectic including Anne-Flore got drenched! "
-" Would you believe The obtuse enough not to think for itself especially now? "
-" indisputable! Nevertheless, she disguises herself so much, is messes up ...! "
-" I attend a rebel, stubborn and jealous of her individuality - she makes no secret! Embellish even the sketches stressing it is courting ... "
-" Obviously, the girl I left ... divorce ... "
-" Oh! damn trivial impact, whatever the status of his ex, conductor Augustin Sorelles "
-" internationally renowned, and qualifies it does! "In turn
Andre speculated on more details? ... He was disappointed
- "Everyone can make mistakes when getting married so young. "
-" You analyze it so? "... Shortness of breath Andre necessitated a break, in which Virgil was patiently flourished. Then they began to plan their canvas - without finishing ...
Anne-Flore burst, his aggression intact:
"took Me only hunted for the Third World? . Andre wearily
"You have enough autocracy punctuated with our differences. And Virgil completed:
- "Why t'opposer this interview with father Miramont Dessessart? "
-" The Jesuit inquisitor does he unearthed no confession about our privacy? "
-" So many prejudices against your cousin! we ... "
-" I learned to be wary of black-capped rascals. "
-" Especially since they do not wear the cassock! "The spin
Andre was warped by the appearance of Pascal who let fly his arrow:
-" Here is your court of sycophants in full force, my dear! "
-" Oh you and your implied rustic! "
-" What a bad mood? "
-" I am afraid of being too ... , "Argued Andrew with probity. However, Pascal re-held with his customary eloquence:
- "No, no, for once we are all together! . Nevertheless Anne-Flore:
- "You regularly fails Solange who is now s'esquinter! "
Andrew could not help expose her cousin
-" Your feminism constantly on the alert. " Her brother, remained on the teasing:
- "Our queen of Parisian nightlife, died of boredom! "
-" These are not your boorishness that cheer me up! I hate the countryside and most of all Castel Peyriac! "
-" It saddens me swing! "Andre objected.
- "And as the Misanthrope, I hate hypocrisy. "Added she, irreverent yield invaluable. Pascal tried language brotherly
- "Poses for you in nymphette you imagine that the truth comes out only with your mouth heavenly. . Virgil claimed their union:
- "She loves to taunt the majority! . Andre would not be rejected:
- "As a child, D'Artagnan, Cyrano, and even Don Quixote his idols ... she is not Gascon for nothing! "
-" You've dreamed of these sagas swashbuckling! ... "Pascal
confiscated, incontinent, the prosopopoeia of Wilhelmina, mother of Anne-Flore:
-" A delicious Austrian syncretism and Bearn. "
Virgil leading to a huge table that sat in this room, the most harmonious of Castel Peyriac. Conversely to all who had suffered the ap-ports - may be more or less adequate - successive generations, the texture, style of Louis XVI, and its pastel shades of a smiling halo canvas. Wilhelmina Castel Peyriac portrayed and sung by Raoul Dufy: finesse - probably in line with his model. As for the husband's contacts with the famous painter ...
- "Have you noticed the resemblance to Anne-Flore? Wilhelmina reached such sublime "Berenice" my father that intimal painted in the costume. "
- "Which way! Living and staring at the blue line if Trucmuch outdated! "
-" On the contrary, "said Virgil, a vein, for me to know you better! Whenever I went on the subject I collided with a deliberate silence. Not So-ture, I would not know anything ... "
-" There is nothing to unpack. I have not had a childhood. "
-" How? ! . Andre total amazement.
- "I did nothing reported, Virgil? Well acheminons us! ! I'll tell a good one! ... Subsequently a bitter break, respected by his audience
- I was born in these years pernicious: the advent of Hitler. Mon-freak parents natique monopolized, one by his public career, the other by his theater. Blaming one's parents and their psychology seems devoid of feeling? Allegation undoubtedly subjective. Yet, quite often, I felt a foretaste branquignol: transparent in their eyes - like those bums in the street, carefully covering it for fear of contagion. . No-Cal could not contain himself: - "Anne-Flore! You embroider the time! T'ado-father would! . Without realizing it, she said pointedly:
- "Little girl, when I was a big cockroach, my father, to comfort me ... spoil me, me "comfort" .. the basic meaning "to make stronger! ... My father did m'allouait else refrain that "Do you want me to buy something? "... A spoiled child, of course! Notwithstanding the book che-tion, was I "the" little girl adored my father? His "little girl"? My "tender age" where is he? "Why do they scamper hugs? Not even through a diminutive "Chou," " Herbie! "" Beloved "Cherinet" ...
As she set the impact of his column, each issued its reflection:
Virgil: "My love! my seductive! ... "
Andrew:" Anne-Flore! Rejects this nightmare ... The malicious you! "
Pascal:" It is impossible that father ... And Wilhelmina, who died in my arms ... his last thoughts for you! ... Anne-Flore continued unperturbed:
- "The adjournment, the star of a walk in the Parc Monceau ... adjacent to the fountain, a je ne sais quoi, something unspeakable happened: an omen that symptomatic ... "
Gradually, his voice inflections of the opera girl ...
-" ... Something preposterous, of psychotonic: diligent adults around a child! What am I a child? A wheelchair! inside, curled a microbe. Yes, a cripple .. but a being in itself! But if laughing, softly to the angels! Outrageous! Outrageous! Baient my eyes, ecstatic: Parents and children playing together! inconceivable in my case! ... Despite his paralysis, this child existed, he, far from serving poti-che! . Anne-Flore continued after a stop oppressive. The three men gasping, clinging to his lips
- "a long time I bobbed, pick one's food in my head ... me enjoy the benefits of such a handicap! I'd much pampered? This represented a situation antithetical to my relegation doomed to isolation. The guests that filled the daily traditional Parisian hotel am voted: Uni-germ that their fondness! It would move beyond mimicry of a wave or tap my cheeks - as it flatters a dog. I dictate these baa-researchers, thanks to my invalid chair, stealing the show from my mother in her para-Dait ottomans and illustrious paternal pleas. "
suspended, suddenly, the dark confession ... she entered their responses, or did she need to tone up? Virgil tried in vain to clasp:
- "My love, come back to you and laugh all this phantasmagoria! "Andre
-" Anne-Flore! I beg you, do not be upset by these nightmares! "
As for Pascal, he stumbled while net ruffled by the inadmissible:
-" Nonsense! This is strictly insane! ... "
suddenly shaken by a rebellious hilarity, tacking with pugnacity a cabo-chard, she gambols of one to another to send them his epilogue, like a bellows:
- "Why do you stare so? Am I crazy? A game! It was only a game! ! Do you choose the game of love and chance, or death and sard-ha? Unless this is the great game of fortune-teller? And if I played my trump card? There are the games scene, faces, lights and of course the great fountains at Versailles. Brief, and, above all, the "I" Supreme "me" so hateful! . This maelstrom
stringy and garrulous diminish no telescoping ...
Virgil sank take playfulness: "You bluffing, is not it? "
Pascal became angry:" Even as a joke, it is dishonest to discredit these progenitors as heroic! "
-" You're not the heir of their sectarian memory! "Andre
priest responds:" Cultivating fun too unhealthy ... "
-" And Cruel! "Adds Pascal. Anne-Flore
made his bow, with panache, taking Virgil's arm close to his show: "Come, gentlemen are sealed with black humor. "The arrival
Solange hurriedly closed the chapter, all without having con-tees, settled on about the party ....
For head-to-head, Anne-Flore led Virgil in the library. Despite its attraction rather economical for playback (so called because of his eyes), she appreciated it. Lined with volumes - some very old ... it seemed so huge, little girl ... At each end, two elegant spiral staircases to access the gallery around the perimeter, almost as large as the ballroom. Impressive reading room, old mansions, Solange and her companion, Arthur Beley, used incessantly, a resource, if required: open multiple books at a time, laying them across without being crippled by a mess ... how unwelcome that Solange had a certain propensity to "forget" storage (only arguments with Arthur Beley). A torpid
mutism established. Virgil circled by listening room. Anne-Flore applied to disguise any commotion in his heart to work, to the annoyance obvious. He eventually determine:
- "My dear, I assure you, you were apocalyptic at times! This appearance execrable destabilized me! "
-" Okay, I may be forced dose ...! In fact, I Ponder this: I have probably pro-read or see this fiction somewhere. "
-" Fair or apocryphal, me, you've undermined! You drain me on the Brewer family environment also darkened, you usually uncomplicated, without drawing the least-DRE! "
-" Maybe your landing in this house, he stirs up appearances: the past and the present farandolent around me! "And Anne-Flore
danced a waltz no ... While inspecting the matching Vigil-ment:" Indefinable this influx of friends in a nice atmosphere, sym-pa, yet convoluted, trimbalée dusk, between ugliness and jovial-ity: where lies the outspoken as deemed? "
Anne-Flore on a dismal tone, half-comic, half tragic
-" The dead jugulent the fearless living. "
-" It is true that we are overwhelmed by the secular widgets! "Imitating
a guide, Anne-Flore showed him piously showcases handcrafted by Solange. They contained the letters of legendary characters for Frederic Castel Peyriac: Andre Gide, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Jean Renoir Pi-Casso, Max Dormoy, Simone Weil, Marie Bonaparte ...
- "True endless inventory! "Virgil recorded supplementing:
-" This collection would be at least an editorial! "
She pointed at a small storefront ornate:
-" Hey! Letters of Pierre Richard-Willm: the great love Solange! Voi this black ribbon and the majestic Cross my grandmother English ... The very people who forced me to accompany him, despite my age, to choose the coffin of my parents ... Incredible! Sample the respective qualities of any timber of any silk cushion in order to enclose the "dear spoils" - the luxury! So my nights are gorged they dance macabre! "Virgil
surrounded him," Anne-Flore, darling, dismisses these spectra - without detour! "
-" Cows Cute cemeteries in the moonlight - no? From a romantic frenzy! Like a witch, I sniff my own corpse in radiography, and soon it will move in me like a child who moves into the belly of a pregnant woman. Hilarious! "
-" You add the morbid perversion as e sex appeal! "
Anne-Flore, captured by gymnastics archaeological stopped before a book out of his row, Virgil, fastest, robbed him and read aloud the inscription:
"A kiss, but, after all, what?
"An oath is a little closer, a promise
" The more precise an avowal claiming confirmation,
"A pink dot you put on the" i "of the verb to love. . "Athos Andre 1949". Anomalous
interval ... How to react, while she watched?
- "This is a projection chirpy! The folk fair cousin! "
-" We were kids - zieuter date. In our little universe ... do you travel account Snow Goose: erect a statue in the Athos! "
-" The most perfect and most noble in the "Three Musketeers"! "
-" Andrew was destined for the priesthood. "
-" Father Miramont Dessessart do not spread unless a damn attitude "guardian" against you ... "
-" And you take seriously the ramblings of a frustrated child who ponders his dreams? Under the pretext that my parents have passed away in my little child-hood, everybody wants to replace them! "
-" I do not claim any evidence ... "
-" We promised the debt on future adventures - not on our biography. At Castel-Peyriac not fair for me, you will detail Solange miles trifles ... "
-" Solange? Impossible! A grave with you on - this is prover-bial! Your sensitivity vanishes, Anne-Flore! The lined with Dimitri Dikoff at-you should have been kept up to speed on what the emigrant endured the most comfortable-ment moved t'indiffère ... it does? "
-" Are you trying to teach my trial? "
-" We finish the intermission! Do not you stumble on the soaking unpacked without grumbling? "
-" Rejoice ! Glimpse of all these oddities internal argumentative if expensive detective! In petto, I evaluate, with applause, your trouble in the arcane Castel Peyriac! "
-" Too evaporated, seeing no further than the tip of your nose pygmy. Women's intuition does not t'alerte: the crack widens gradually between us ... for me ... shocking ... a bit of widowhood ... "
-" While vaccinated now, you have to fire these elections do not miss! More precisely, do not repeat the same blunder: chasing a pianist when Paris bristled barricade - a flop is enough! "
-" Like a mutt sacrificed to your crush, ratifying your antics ... "
-" My dear, a professional in your class should know how to resist my puny fireworks! "
-" Anne-Flore! You overload the boat! Committed ... "
-" I did not ask, aunt Marie-Estelle ... "
-" congruent! I fight with her, after having been twisted candlestick béjaune Romanian! "
-" You want to return to Paris without me? Recognize, at least lucid, our mess, leaving us both caught in this damned strike transport. "
-" Okay! Moreover, in light of conversations with Solange and Pascal pull myself together. Truly amazing type your brother! Every time I see him is like an old friend who galvanizes me ... One day he will persuade him to record ... "
-" Arduous! If you come in at the end, it held prodigy! "
-" In short, Pascal has been great: it gave me a place in a car bound for the capital ... tomorrow ... "
-" Here we go! "
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