gerber ... Asphalt
A hot wind a little sweetish lug species. A green countryside contrasts sharply with the warm smells. One would have expected to fill the nose with a floral atmosphere of freshly cut grass but no, it's a heavy scent and disturbing. Headache ... Two meanings are given different information ... Evil campaign?
Yet just two kids playing in the meadow. They are accustomed. It's their campaign. They have lived there forever and even take a certain pleasure to deal with such effrontery persistent nausea this little landscape. It is a picturesque area where a river sings ... These worms do not remind them, and for good reason, they do not read and their parents prefer to leave them in ignorance the most perfect. Two small blocks of marble carver has come no start. Two diamonds that no suit has yet to burst. Humanity in its most perfect and absolute candor.
He's Jehan. It is Annis. They live a hundred yards away, with their parents, Labaquère. Parents, as each have been assigned to the paternal grandfather, who prefers to read his newspaper in the courtyard of the house, sheltered from the sun but not the stifling heat. It is not very old, in her sixties at most. And appreciates the quiet, the birds chirping, the slight tingling which rises when the wind tickles the trees of the garden. He reads the Gazette of the corner. A cabbage leaf in which we learn nothing. Because nothing happens anyway in this campaign.
Jehan is brown. Annis is blonde. Both children are amazingly beautiful, when you know their parents. Another quirk of genetics. Which is good.
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